Principal’s Report

All families who have applied via the Student Insight Platform to enrol their Prep 2025 students at Emerald Primary School should have a notification email now and can proceed to accept the offer and enter the required information.

We are looking forward to meeting all of your new (and returning!) families! If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at school.

Following are the instructions on how to accept the enrolment offer, taken from the Digital Enrolment Parent/Carer Quick Reference Guide.

Accept or do not accept an enrolment offer

IMPORTANT NOTE: Enrolments must be accepted via the portal.

  1. A notification will be sent via the portal and email when a school makes an offer of enrolment
  2. Navigate to the VicStudents Enrolment homepage
  3. Navigate to the application section
  4. Select View on application(s) with a ‘Place Offered’ status
  5. Select Accept Offer to accept the enrolment offer, and you will be prompted to provide additional information Note: Any applications you may have submitted to other schools have been closed.
  6. Read the Privacy Collection Notice and select Continue to proceed
  7. Enter details for each section (including documentation upload)
  8. Read the Review and Declaration and check all details have been provided and are correct, then tick the confirmation boxes
  9. Read the confirmation of review and select Proceed with Submission NOTE: The student’s personal and health information will be shared with the school once you have accepted and completed the full digital enrolment form
  10. When the school finalises the application, you will be notified via email and the status in the portal will be updated
  11. If you received multiple enrolment offers, or you no longer wish to proceed with your enrolment application:
  • Select Do Not Accept (for each offer to be declined)
  • Enter a reason and the application will be closed.


Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.

Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.

The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Monday 5th August to Friday 30 August 2024.

All families are invited to participate in the survey.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.

The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages. Resources are also available in additional languages to assist parents / caregivers / guardians who speak a language other than English at home. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, or the school directly for survey guides in your language.

The survey results will be communicated to parents / caregivers / guardians through annual reporting and via the school website.

  • Friday 9th August for Preps only: 100 Days Brighter – Prep students only (teachers will advise)
  • Friday 16th August – for Book Week, dress as a character from your favourite book
  • Friday 23rd August – for Science Week, dress up as anything to do with Science, STEM or as a Scientist!
  • Friday 20th September – favourite sport, athlete or sporting team.
  • Friday 9th August – 100 Days of Preps
  • Monday 12th – Friday 16th August – Book Week Celebrations
  • Friday 16th August – Book Week Dress Up
  • Friday 16th August @ 9.15am – Special Book Week Assembly
  • Monday 19th – Friday 23rd August – Science Week
  • Friday 23rd August – Science Week Dress Up
  • Friday 30th August@ 9.15am – Whole school assembly

Emma Clark


Star of the week!

For her positive approach to new challenges and her wonderful mathematical skills.

For her amazing effort during UFLI and working on her letter formation.

For the positive attitude you have brought to all your learning tasks this week. You are a shining STAR!

For your great effort clearly explaining your thinking strategies when solving problems.

For working so hard on her number line maths this week!

For his fabulous effort in all areas this term and his amazing rhyming skills when poetry writing!

For your focus and hard work in our Maths Inquiry session on fractions. It sure was fun writing on our desks! You are a mathematical star!

For enthusiastically creating a potato athlete for our Potato Olympics!

For giving everything 100%! You’re a STAR Cora.

For ALWAYS! Giving 100% to every task. Not even a broken arm could slow your unwavering persistence! Keep it up Legend!

For her excellent participation in the Alisa Wild writing workshop. You are a writing super star, I can’t wait to read your final story.

For showing terrific growth in his understanding of statistics, and for his enthusiastic!

For your constant kindness, helpfulness and dedication to your learning. You are such a valued member of 6W and your hard work does not go unnoticed.

For focusing on mastering her writing goal and always helping her peers.

For being a kind and considerate helper in our classroom with excellent initiative. You are a valuable star!

For showing resilience in your learning. You have been recognising the “wobble” when you’re in the learning pit and persisting through it. Well done!

For working super hard on his counting pattern strategies and being a Maths star!

For writing a fabulous RHYMING POEM about bananas!

For his excellent attitude, for sensibly taking on feedback and for his fabulous work and improvement in all areas! Well done!

For consistently working hard and for always being such a respectful listener. Great work Maya.

For creating an astonishing list of similes. You are as wise as an owl!

For being a great leader and role model for our class. Keep it up Mia.

For being a self motivated learner who does her best at all times…. this is especially evident in her Maths masters.

For participating in the Alisa Wild writing workshop with enthusiasm and creativity. I loved that you were still writing after the session.

For your kind and caring nature and always being a fantastic friend.

For being the BEST Principal for EPS! You are kind, caring and supportive. Happy Principals’ Day 2024. You are a SUPERSTAR!

For her fantastic effort during class discussions and her wonderful vocabulary.

For diving into the learning pit with his writing and producing excellent results! You are a STAR!

For making wonderful progress in your writing skills, including your ideas and handwriting. What a superstar!

For showing excellent comprehension skills when reading non-fiction texts for extension! You are a knowledgeable star!

For always trying his very best, for his sensible mature attitude at all times and for his dedicated castle making!

For your ability to express yourself and your emotions. I love the scale of emotions you created to share with us, your teachers when feeling confused or overwhelmed all the way to ‘at ease’ in the green zone, ready to go learn.

For his wonderful fluent, expressive reading, so lovely to listen to! Well done Pip.

For being a role model student at all times: giving his best in all subject areas, never giving up and encouraging others around him so we all experience success.

For your growth mindset and willingness to DIVE into the learning pit. Your great attitude will always lead to great things!

*Student Award*

For consistently displaying a ‘can do’ attitude towards all aspects of school …. We all think you are a STAR!

For working wonderfully towards his goals, mastering measurement, and for being a readily reliable helper. THANK YOU!!

For your positive, can do attitide and always having a smile on your face with everything you do!

For being the BEST Assistant Principal for EPS! You are kind, caring and supportive. Happy Principals’ Day 2024. You are a SUPERSTAR!

Student Action Team News!

This week …

Upcoming Events …

Attention students in Year 3-6…We are excited to announce that we have entered our school in the Melbourne Rocks- Times Tables Rock Stars competition. This will take place on August 28th to August 30th 2024. Students will have up to 60minutes per day, for the 3 days, to log on and answer as many times table questions as they can. The competition will be able to be completed on any device connected to the internet at school and home.

Every correct answer that a student gives, in any game type, between the hours of 7:30am AEST to 7:30pm AEST each day will contribute to their class and school score.

Your teachers will be sending more information home over the coming weeks in the lead up to the competition. Also keep your eye on dojo for any announcements from Mrs Porter.

Competition Video:

The Tall Ones are representing Emerald Primary School for a parent’s battle of the bands on Thursday the 22nd August.

It is a fund raiser for the music programs of Emerald, Selby, Kilsyth and Mt Dandenong Primary School’s

Tickets are $36.75 and it is an over 18s event at The Sookie Lounge in Belgrave.

Tickets are available from this link

Community News

Share This Newlsetter!

Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Home made

Pumpkin soup


Garlic bread roll



Calendar of Events

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