Principal’s Report

This week (tonight!) we will be holding our school Open Night from 6pm to 7.30pm. Please pass this information on to any families who may have Preps wanting to enrol for 2024, or students in other grade levels. There will be an opportunity to have a school tour and chat with the Principal Team and staff. Looking forward to meeting our new families and catching up with some of our current ones!

This Friday afternoon we will be celebrating our EPS Mums and mother “figures” – there are lots of people in our lives that carry out this role for whom we are also thankful! We invite our Mums and mother figures to come for afternoon tea from 2.15pm, with classrooms open from 2.30pm and a whole school assembly at 3.00pm.NB. there will not be a morning assembly on this day. Anyone (Dads!) that may be at a loose end on Friday afternoon, we would love a few volunteers to help with afternoon tea, please email the school on: or comment on the Facebook page.

“Heel and toe, heel and toe……” We cannot wait for this event! It is shaping up to be a great night to get together and have fun! Tickets are just $10, 3 year-olds and under are free. Purchase your tickets via the Try Booking link on the Facebook page or on the flyer. (Soft-soled shoes only please!)

All parents of students in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 are invited to an information evening in the Library next week on Wednesday 17th May at 6pm to hear more information about the approach to Literacy teaching at EPS for the junior school students, so that we can continue to build the connections between home and school to support learning.

A reminder that there will be a Curriculum Day on Friday 26th May, so no students are required at school on that day. Staff will be at school undertaking assessments and planning.

Emerald Lakers Basketball Club have arranged a full service of our Stadium on Friday 19th May – so just advising all members of the school community that it will be out of action for the whole day.

Parents of Grades 4, 5 and 6 students will receive a letter via Compass next week from the Department of Education, regarding the annual Student Attitudes to School Survey completed online. This survey is an important way to collect wellbeing and engagement information from our students in these grade levels and check in on how they are travelling with their mental health and wellbeing as a year level group, particularly after the periods of remote and flexible learning. If you have any queries relating to the survey, please contact me at the school and please note the option to “opt out” of the survey contained in the letter. To opt out of your child/children completing the survey, please email me at by Monday 15th May.

A BIG thank you to the following families who were represented last Friday afternoon for our Working Bee. Everyone did a great job clearing the weeds from our front gardens – they look fantastic now!

Boniface Family

Soussan Family

Kennewell Family

Strahan Family

Dawe Family

Dangerfield Family

Sutherland Family

Brown Family

Emma Clark

On Tuesday the 2nd of May, 16 grade 6 students had the privilege of travelling to Upwey South Primary School with Mrs Forsythe and Kath Barrot. The reason we were there was because we had a Victorian State School Spectacular rehearsal. We rehearse with our ‘Hub’ which consists of Emerald PS, Upwey South PS, Karoo PS and Selby PS. We have 8 dances to learn and we have completely finished learning 5 and have nearly finished learning the 6th dance. We have been practising every Thursday at lunchtime and at home. We showed the choreography teachers what we knew and then they gave us some things to work on before teaching us new sections of the song. Hara (the dance teacher) was very impressed with what we had learnt so far. Everyone is very excited for our next rehearsal in four weeks time. During that rehearsal we hope to have finished all eight of our dances. We are looking forward to performing for everyone in assembly later this year and showcasing our tremendous talent. We will let you know when the assembly is and we encourage everyone to come and watch us on Saturday the 9th of September we will be performing at John Cain Arena in front of a HUGE  audience.

Dakota and Mia B

Emerald Primary School join with the Emerald Village Association in the exciting Come Sit By Me Project (number 2). The date is is coming up fast…all day Wednesday 31st of May from 9am to 3.30pm at the Hills Hub.

Can you come and join us for a day with lots of rewarding moments and fun?

What is it?

Senior (and not so Senior members) of the Community working with a small group of Grade Three students from Emerald Primary School passing on hobbies and skills from generations past.

Some of the activities included are weaving and knitting, wooden projects, cooking, cake decorating, pickle ball and table tennis. Any other ideas or suggestions more than welcome…

How can I help? We are looking for Volunteers who can lead or help with an activity interacting with a small group of children. Hopefully you can be with us all day, but even part of the day would be a help too…

Who do I contact?

Ring Shelley on 0427 465 972 or

Walk Safely to School Day will be celebrated on Friday 19th May 2023. It aims to improve the environment and our daily exercise routines.

Walking to school is the perfect way to start the day by getting some exercise and fresh air, ready to start school with a clear mind. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy when you choose to walk to school:

Walking offers a great opportunity to remind children about safe pedestrian behaviour and recap on the rules of the road.

Being outside in the fresh air creates a space in your day for mindful exercise. Walking and taking in the scenery around you creates a sense of calm that will set you up for the rest of your day.

Walking to school will help to reduce the air pollution in your area or near your school.

By using your feet instead of a car, you can also play your part in helping to reduce traffic congestion.

Students who want to be involved can grab a “Walk to School” tattoo from Mr Stella, to wear on the day.

Community News

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Canteen Special!

Friday Meal Deal

Crispy chicken sushi

(with soy sauce)



Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO. We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables. Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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