Principal’s Report
This term is full of lots of excitement – with the Swimming Program, Grade 6 Production and the 2024 EPS Community DISCO!! We are looking forward to all of this and more, as the term progresses. To stay in touch with the events and arrangements, please continue to check Compass and Class Dojo. Stay tuned also for a Working Bee date coming very soon!
At the end of last term, we finalised our new School Council Team for 2024.
On behalf of Council and the school, I would like to thank Belinda Smullen and Katie Weerasinghe for their time on the committee and dedication to helping us to do the best for our students and school.
I thank and welcome our new Council Members: Julia Weir, Shannon Bird, Inge Terkildsen and Vyvyan Cornell.
The next meeting is tomorrow night at 7.15pm, and the AGM will be held on Thursday 16th May.
Our full team is as follows:
- President – Julie Bowyer
- Vice President – Olivia McLeod
- Fundraising Committee Co-ordinator – Peta Woodyard
- Building & Grounds Committee Co-ordinator – Patric Soussan
- Comms & Publicity Committee Co-ordinator – Karen Giles
- Parent Representative – Narelle Oberin
- Parent Representative – Cherry Hynam
- Parent Representative – Julia Weir
- Parent Representative – Shannon Bird
- Parent Representative – Inge Terkildsen
- DET Representative – Carice D’Rozario
- DET Representative – Bianca Appleby
- DET Representative – Vyvan Cornell
Please feel free to reach out to any of the Committee members to ask any questions or raise concerns.
Anyone is welcome to attend a School Council meeting as an observer, the dates on Thursdays are as follows for the year, starting at 7.15pm:
- 18th April
- 16th May
- 20th June
- 15th August
- 19th September
- 17th October
- 21st November
We will be moving our EPS Yearbook completely online this year – meaning there will be no cost and all of the school community will be able to access and enjoy the reflection and summary of the year.
Thank you to the ongoing fantastic work of Julie McKinsley and Amanda Byers – our amazing Education Support Staff and Yearbook Editors – who will continue to produce the Yearbook in its new version.
A reminder about our Crazy Hair Day theme on this Friday. This day is in aid of raising funds for Cancer Research and our wonderful staff member, Sascha Opperman, is cutting her hair to fundraise for this cause. Students can purchase raffle tickets to go in the draw to be selected to cut some hair off Mrs. Opperman’s head on Friday!
a reminder that hats are to be worn until the end of April please when the students are outside.
- Thursday 18th April – School Council Meeting
- Friday 19th April – Crazy Hair Day
Emma Clark
EarlyAct Club 2024
As the name implies, Rotary International is a world-wide organisation where people come together in clubs to better the communities that they are part of by volunteering their services. Rotary is a non-political and non-religious organisation open to all people regardless of race, colour, religion, gender or political preference. Rotary clubs are for like-minded people whose goals are to serve the community locally, nationally and internationally.
The Rotary Club of Emerald and District is excited to have started an EarlyAct Club with students from Years 5 and 6 this year. Under the guidance of Rotarians Marcus Adams, Kerith Cummins and Paula Jones, and ably assisted by staff members Ben Kolb and Hollie Boniface, the students who have elected to join EarlyAct come together every second Thursday at 2pm to work on their EarlyAct projects.
The EarlyAct members have been divided into four groups so that they can undertake projects that will impact the following communities: Emerald Primary School, Emerald township, the international community, and the environment.
Elections were held at the end of Term One and the following students are to be congratulated on their appointment as office-bearers for 2024:
President – Caiden R.
Vice President – Lachlan A.
Secretary – Mia D.
Treasurers – Audrey D. and Olive H.
Head of the Emerald Primary School Committee – Eliza W.
Head of the Emerald Township Committee – Eleanor J.
Head of the International Committee – D’Artagnan G.
Head of the Environment Committee – Scarlet B.T.
The Rotary Club of Emerald and District will present members of the EarlyAct Club with badges at school assembly on Friday 3 May and looks forward to seeing the progress of the club throughout the year.
If any students from Years 5 and 6 have not joined EarlyAct but would be interested in being part of the club they should speak with Mr Kolb or Ms Boniface for further information.
The next meeting for the EarlyAct Club will take place on Thursday 18 April.
Values awards!
Parker J
Parker, you have become a shining example of the values Emerald Primary School holds in high regard. You are a caring, compassionate, and an inclusive member of our prep class. You are an active participant in all that we do in class and your reflective nature is admirable. Parker thank you for being such an open, responsible and respectful member of our class and school. You are always doing thoughtful acts when no-one is watching, and your gentle nature is admirable. Parker, you are a deserving recipient of our Values Award.
Charlotte C
Charlotte is consistently a wonderful role model to her peers, she always shows a caring and supportive attitude to everyone around her. Charlotte always demonstrates the EPS values and continually does what is expected of her and always displaying positive manners. Well done Charlotte keep it up!
Penny BT
In the early days of term, you were a quiet and introverted member of our class. When you did find the courage to speak, oh the wonderful things we heard! Words of kindness to your teachers with offers to help with classroom jobs, and to your peers with invitations to join you in schoolyard play. You make everyone feel seen and included and you play a valuable part in making our classroom world a happy place to be. Your success as a learner is seen in the way you share your understanding of the learning content and is a testament to your excellent focus…always listening and soaking up as much new knowledge as you can.
Well done on a wonderful start to school and congratulations Penny!
Ella G
Ella you are a wonderful human and such a valued member of our class and school. You show kindness by happily including others in your play activities and you model respect by being a fantastic listener and a thoughtful friend. Your warm smile and happy nature brighten each day. We are so grateful to have you at EPS Ella!
Holly McM
Holly is such a wonderful member of our Year One family and constantly displays such friendly and cheerful values with all her classmates. She is very respectful, an inclusive student who is happily willing to join in and work with any friend in a proactive and supportive way. She consistently offers insightful ideas and opinions while respectfully listening to others. Holly is such a kind student who always works towards achieving our EPS school values of Friendliness, Success and Respect every day. Congratulations Holly, you are a STAR.
Aria D
You approach all tasks in a positive way and give your best effort, striving for Sucess in all that you do. You are able to work well with anyone in the class and show Friendliness at all times. You are an excellent listener to others, showing Respect to both students and teachers. You are a role model to your fellow students and should be very proud of yourself. Well done, Aria!
Georgia M
Georgia is often one of the first to arrive to class each day. Her genuine enquiries and readiness to listen and share with others makes the classroom a welcoming place. She makes no hesitation helping get the place set up, before going on her way to socialise with her friends. Throughout the day she can be seen and heard giving her attention and support to those she is near, making her learning space an accepting and inviting place to be. Georgia extends this warm and inclusive attitude to the playground, being an exemplary model of our school values of friendliness and respect in all her actions. Well done Georgia on receiving this Values Award for Term 1!
Ella W
Ella is a friendly, respectful class member and a wonderful role model to others as she always contributes her best effort and positive attitude in our classroom. Ella takes control of her own learning by alway listening carefully and diligently working on her learning goals. We love it when she shares her thoughtful ideas and excellent vocabulary knowledge in discussions. Ella – thank you for being such a mature, respectful, hard working and caring member of 2W!
Polly B
For consistently showing our school values in everything you do.
You come into school every day with a friendly smile, ready to learn, and include others. Your respectful personality shines through within all your interactions.
We have loved being your teachers and have enjoyed watching you achieve success each day.
Jack D
Jack is such a delightful person to know. He is thoughtful, caring and inclusive of all. He is friendly and respectful and always willing to share his gorgeous smile. He has lovely manners, that are displayed at all times and is always courteous and considerate to his peers and teachers alike. He consistently displays our school values and is a fabulous role model. Well done Jack, you are a joy to teach!
Jax McA
Jax sets an example of behaviour in excellence and cooperation. He is kind, thoughtful and helpful when interacting with others and is respectful of all students within our school community. Jax is consistently well organised and takes care of his belongings. He is honest, trustworthy and exhibits a positive outlook and attitude within the classroom. Jax welcomes leadership roles and shows fairness when working within small groups. You are an amazing asset to our classroom. Congratulations, Jax!
Indie T
This student is like a ray of sunshine, spreading warmth and kindness wherever she goes. Her bright smile and genuine friendliness make everyone feel welcome and valued. She treats everyone with respect, creating a space where everyone belongs. What sets her apart is her incredible compassion. She doesn’t just see someone struggling; she reaches out with empathy and finds ways to make their day brighter. Congratulations Indie Timmins.
Oakley K
Throughout the term, Oakley has demonstrated exceptional qualities of friendliness and respect. He fosters positive relationships within the class, the Grade 4 cohort, and the wider school community. Oakley you spread kindness like glitter, making the world a better place. Never change.
Eliza F
For consistently demonstrating our school values and showing kindness, compassion and care towards her peers. Eliza is an excellent role model and her inclusion of others is something she should be extremely proud of. Well done, Eliza!
Charlie D
For his ongoing care of all around him, his willingness to help and support others and his kind and generous nature.
Jake H
Jake is a person who brings enthusiasm, generosity and thoughtfulness to the
class of 5F. He is a model leader to his peers and a student who consistently
displays the school values of friendliness, respect and success. Jake attempts
all tasks with positivity and an eagerness to improve. He is a friendly, kind and
warm-hearted person who helps his classmates when asked, and is inclusive of
others. Jake, you brighten our room with your warm personality, and you truly
are a delight to have in our class
Imogen B
Imogen, you are the epitome of our school values friendliness, respect and success. You are a role model in the yard to younger students and are always there to cheer on your friends and peers within our learning. Your enthusiastic and kind manner with the younger students is noticed not only by me but other staff and parents within our school. It is an honour to have such a thoughtful student as part of our 5/6P crew. Congratulations Imogen!
Bella G
Bella is a kind, thoughtful and dependable student who consistently displays our school values of friendliness, respect and success. She has relished the role of buddy leader, and can often be seen selflessly supporting other students in the yard, or during lunchtime activities. Thank you for your wonderful support, Bella!
Taite D
Taite has had a fantastic start to the year and has truly exemplified our school values of friendliness, respect and success. He is continuously striving to surpass expectations, he eagerly lends a hand to those in need and consistently demonstrates profound respect towards every member of our school community, regardless of their position.
Congratulations, Taite, on your outstanding efforts! Keep up the exceptional work!
Imelda S
Imelda is an amazing student in our classroom, but she is an even better human. She works hard, helps others, offers assistance around the room without being asked and always takes pride in her work. Imelda is kind, caring and has impeccable manners. She is always polite and friendly and constantly thinks of others and takes their feelings into consideration. Imelda has a great sense of humour and allows others to feel safe in the school environment by encouraging and supporting them. Well done Imelda, it is a pleasure to teach you!
Lilly D (1/2S)
For always bringing a positive and friendly attitude to all Physical Education lessons. Lilly your wonderful smile brings warmth and happiness to our lessons. You are a fantastic role model for you classmates. Congratulations!
Gianmarco T (3H)
Gianmarco is a respectful and enthusiastic student during all Physical Education. He is always attending lessons with a smile on his face and is willing to take on new challenges with a positive outlook. Congratulations Gianmarco, you bring such positive energy to Physical education. Well done!
Darcy R (2R)
Darcy is a fantastic student to teach in Visual Arts. He is always attentive and respectful in his behaviour towards others. Darcy is a terrific helper and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Congratulations Darcy, on this well-deserved award.
Thea H (6K)
Thea is a delightful and talented student to teach in Visual Arts. She works consistently well, always demonstrating her beautiful, artistic flair. Thea is willing to help when needed and I appreciate her happy and respectful manner. Congratulations Thea, on this acknowledgement of all that you bring to Visual Arts in our school.
Parker G (1B)
This student has demonstrated remarkable growth, showing an excellent commitment to his focus and giving his best effort in every endeavour. His dedication to self-improvement serves as a testament to his academic drive. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement, Parker, your progress is truly commendable.
Logan G (4O)
This student has not only showcased remarkable talent but also exemplified a spirit of giving back. From assistant teaching during both lunchtime ukulele lessons and circus workshops to giving his all at orchestra performances, he has shared his passion for music with boundless enthusiasm. His commitment to enriching the lives of others through his time and energy is truly admirable. Congratulations, Logan on this well-deserved recognition of your fabulous contributions!
Ned W (1B)
Ned is always switched on and ready to learn in Nihongo. He is kind, polite and respectful to his classmates, taking time to help others when needed. He always gives every activity his very best and really focusses on his learning. He is a great friend to all and is an absolute Nihongo star!
Annabelle A (4BT)
Annabelle is a very respectful, kind and helpful member of her class. She gives every task her best, even when things get challenging. She works quietly, with good focus and is making great progress in Nihongo. At the end of the lesson, Annabelle often helps with tidying up the room, without even being asked. What a Nihongo star!
Maia A (1B)
Maia is a sweet, kind and respectful student who radiates a warm demeanour to those around her. She shows a love of learning and willingness to undertake all challenges presented. Maia always listens attentively and follows instructions beautifully demonstrating an industrious work ethic. Maia we are so happy to have you here at Emerald Primary. Keep up that stunning effort and positive attitude to life. Maia you are an absolute delight to teach!
Max F (4SB)
Max is a STEM superstar! He models kindness to all those around him and is so enthusiastic about doing things just to make others feel supported and happy. He is an excellent listener, responding respectfully with valuable contributions and questioning during class. His wonderful attitude towards STEM learning and trying new things is infectious and staff and students are so lucky to have you in our presence. Thank you for all your kindness and respect, you should be very proud of your efforts and the thoughtful person you are. Well done, Max!
This Week…
Important information!
Set in the Dandenong Ranges, in the township of Emerald, Victoria. The is an annual favorite of the ukulele community. Saturday the 18th of May is a ticketed event. For $70, you get to participate in up to 5 workshops (9 to choose from) and watch two concerts. Plus everything gets wrapped up by 8.45pm so it’s still an early night out. Sunday the 19th of May is a totally FREE event . Over 30 ukulele acts, performing over 3 stages from 10am to 6pm. There is a ukulele market, food, licensed bar from 12pm and barista coffee all on site. Saturday Tickets are available at… See you in the Hills!
Community News
School Crossings Victoria Inc.
Is your Lollipop person the sweetest?
School Crossing Supervisor of the Year Award
As part of our commitment to the ongoing safety of your students, School Crossing’s Victoria, together with your local council, is looking for the ‘Supervisor of the Year’ 2023/2024.
There are seven regions across the state. A winner will be selected in each region, and the overall winner, will be selected from the regional winners. The winner of the 2021/2022 Supervisor of the Year is Gail Birch from Glenelg Shire in Portland Victoria. School Crossing’s Victoria would like to enlist your help to boost this year’s nominations.
It is our goal to reach as many parents, residents and school staff as possible and by involving them in the nomination process encourage all road users to think about, and reward, the active role the Supervisors play in the safety of their children.
Your support of this program will help ensure your Crossing Supervisor is shown the appreciation they deserve. We would appreciate if you could include the attached advert in your next school newsletter.
Nominations are open now, and close on Friday 31st May 2024 go to the School Crossings Victoria website and complete an online nomination.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you will be able to support this initiative.
Canteen News!
Friday Meal Deal
Cocktail franks (6) with Sauce
Apple and cinnamon muffin
Chill J watermelon drink
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
S Sun
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2025 Grade 6 Information Night
2025 Grade 6 Information Night
Come along and meet the Year 6 Teaching Team and hear all about the exciting activities and events that make up Year 6 at E.P.S!
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Parent Teacher Connect Meeting
Parent Teacher Connect Meeting
Parent-Teacher Connect Meetings from 1pm to 6pm; classes finish at 12pm on this day. Supervsion at school is available on this afternoon.
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Curriculum Day – No students at school
Curriculum Day – No students at school
For those families using the TheirCare childcare service, they are preparing to have students on the 21st February, 3rd July and 21st July dates.
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