Principal’s Report

Welcome & Congratulations – Grade 6 School Captains 2024!

On behalf of the students and staff at Emerald Primary School, I am very proud and excited to announce that our School Captains for 2024 are:

  • Ethan Bowles
  • Maximus Willis
  • Mia Castricum
  • Eliza Watson

At EPS, we have 4 Captains, rather than 2 Captains and 2 Vice Captains, so that the workload and responsibility can be shared. Well done and thank you to all applicants and short-listed candidates – the speeches were very impressive and it was wonderful to hear from the students about how passionate they are about EPS, their hopes and dreams. Mrs. D’Rozario and I are looking forward to working with the Student Leadership Team this year. I was so amazed that around 70 students from the whole cohort applied for leadership positions – what a team!

REMINDER – The Leadership Presentation Assembly will be held at 10am this Friday 1st March.

In 2021, the Department of Education started funding a Tutor Program in all government schools to help support students who were particularly affected by the periods of Remote Learning back in 2020. This program is continuing into 2024 again and we are lucky to have Mrs. Danielle Hardman running this program again. She will be working with grade teachers to determine where student learning gaps are and what support is required to ensure each student is achieving their expected learning potential throughout this year, with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy. The aim is for us to reach as many students as possible during the year, so if your child mentions they have been working in a group with Mrs. Hardman, Mrs. Perks, Mrs. Palacios or an Education Support Staff member, it is most likely to support their learning growth in a specific area. Please contact myself, Carice D’Rozario (Assistant Principal) or Cathlin Smart (Learning & Engagement Leader) at the school if you have any queries. Students will also bring home a notification letter if they receive Tutor Support during the year.

We are very lucky to have the following staff and helpers co-ordinating these programs and groups for our students this year:

  • Lunchtime Clubs & Activities – Mrs. Erin Nelmes
  • Grade 3 & 4 Student Action Team – Mrs. Michelle Hayward
  • Grade 5 & 6 EPS EarlyAct Team – Mr. Ben Kolb
  • Kitchen Garden Activities – Mrs. Eden Byron Thomsen and Mr. Adam Byron-Thomsen

Thank you to these people for the work they have already done in preparing and planning these activities.

Our first School Council meeting for 2024 will be this Thursday 29th February, 7pm for Finance Committee and 7.15pm for the full meeting. We will be advertising the positions vacant on Council in a newsletter in the next few weeks – we love parents and carers to be involved in our school! If you have any queries, please contact me at school:

  • Thursday 29th February – School Council Meeting at 7pm
  • Friday 1st March – Leadership Badge Presentation Assembly at 10am
  • Friday 1st March – Clean Up Australia Day
  • Wednesday 6th March – No Preps at school
  • Wednesday 6th March – House Sports
  • Wednesday 6th March – Prep-Grade 2 Information Session (6.00pm); Grade 6 Information Session (6.35pm)
  • Monday 11th March – Labour Day Public Holiday
  •  Wednesday 13th March – Preps attend Full time
  • Wednesday 13th March – NAPLAN Begins
  • Sunday 17th March – Melbourne Ukulele Orchastra – Performance
  • Tuesday 19th March – EDEC Aths
  • Friday 22nd March – Free Dress Day – Harmony Day
  • Monday 25th March – Thursday 28th March – Grade 5 School Camp to Philip Island
  • Thursday 28th MarchFree Dress (Holiday Theme)
  • Thursday 28th March – Last Day Term 1
  • Monday 15th April – First Day Term 2

Emma Clark


Star of the week!

For her enthusiasm to learn and always being a positive and independent Prep.

For amazing reading and language skills! You are a star.

For settling in so well to Year 1. You are so helpful and expressing your thoughts in a very mature way. What a STAR!

For his thoughtful prime minister aspirations and being an excellent role model at all times!

For enthusiastically presenting her Writers Notebook cover to class!

For your hard work and focus during our UFLI sessions. You have willingly taken on feedback and fixed your letter formation. You are a learning STAR.

For always being so caring and thoughtful to all! What a star.

For excellent effort to complete all set tasks. Henry, your growth mindset is brilliant work. You are a STAR!

For finding the confidence and showing resilience when speaking in front of the grade!

For trying hard and participating in the ‘expanded form dominoes challenge’ What a STAR!!

For always being kind and making the day brighter for everyone. SUPERSTAR!

For your incredible cloud castle design. Its magnificent!

For always attempting new and challenging tasks with a positive attitude!

For always trying your very best and for your “can do” attitude! You are a STAR!

For her amazing focus, comprehension and beautiful presentation of her work.

For her kind plan for being prime minister and her kindness and amazing work ethic!

For her excellent effort in all your tasks. We all love your hard work!

For your eagerness to regularly contribute at group times and your amazing effort with your writer’s notebook front cover. You are a learning STAR! Keep it up.

For applying a growth mindset attitude during Maths lessons. You are a STAR!

For outstanding self reflection and goal setting in her writing. Tanith, I love your dedication to include more adjectives. You are a STAR!

For his amazing empathy, understanding and kindness, helping others when they need it :) What a STAR!!

For an outstanding start to Year 5. You have already been pushing yourself in your learning and stepping into the Learning Pit! Keep it up!

For her hard-working approach everyday and for being a terrific helper. You Rock!

For her amazing attention to detail on her castles drawing. What a STAR!!

For being a super star learner and working hard to finish the activities.

For being a kind and inclusive friend both in the classroom and out in the school yard. What a STAR!

For settling into Year 1 with amazing focus and kindness to others.

For an interesting and engaging show & tell about her enjoyment of reading!

For happy and enthusiastic attitude at all times. We love your hard work in 2W.

For showing an amazing mindset with his writing. Great job!

For locating examples of the FLSZ spelling rule in your independent reader. You are a UFLI spelling STAR!

For always giving 100% effort in all learning tasks. Keep it up champ!

For putting in tremendous effort in your personal letter – focusing on your handwriting and adding detail. What a STAR!

For a fabulous start to Year 5! It is so wonderful seeing you come in with a smile ready to learn and do your best each day. Keep up the fabulous work.

For settling back in so well to EPS. We’re loving having you in our grade!

For working hard in class to complete his work.

This Week!

Cockatoo Little Aths Canteen will be open for the day.

We have cash and EFTPOS facilities available. Please see the Canteen Price List for details.

Please submit your form to the Emerald Primary School Office with a copy of your Concession Card

Community News

Hills with Heart 

Calling All Families! Join Us in Supporting Our Local Emergency Services!

Sponsored by Cardinia Council with full support from the local CFA and SES

Are you ready to make a difference in your community while capturing timeless memories with your loved ones? We’re looking for local hills families to step forward to support our local hardworking emergency services. We are asking for a $100 contribution – to be 100% donated to the local CFA or SES of your choice. In return for your generosity, this is what you will receive:

Family Photo Session: Imagine the bond you share with your family, expertly captured to last a lifetime. You will have this moment forever.

Archival Print in an 11×14″ Mat: Receive a stunning archival cotton print of your favourite family portrait, beautifully presented in an 11×14″ mat for display in your home.

A place in our “Hills with Heart” exhibition: Your family’s portrait will be featured in our first Hills with Heart exhibition, showcasing the unity and compassion of our hills community and the love you share with your family.
Coming to the Hills Hub this September.

Page in the Hills with Heart Photo Book: Forever immortalise your family’s contribution in our exclusive photo book, commemorating the collective support of families like yours for our local emergency services.

Your contribution not only supports the amazing men and women who serve our community but also creates lasting memories for your family to treasure.

Join us in making a difference today! Apply now to find out more. Places are limited so please be quick.

Together, let’s show our gratitude and support for our local heroes. #SupportLocalHeroes #FamilyWithHeart #CommunityUnity

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Taco boat

with seasoned meat,

lettuce, salsa & cheese


Plata pop icecream



Calendar of Events

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