Principal’s Report

Our Grade 4 Campers had a wonderful time last week at Sovereign Hill – despite the weather! Thank you to all students for the positive way they conducted themselves and to the staff and parents who attended. A special thanks to Laina Brebner for her co-ordination of the camp. Last week, we met our new Prep students and their families for 2024, as they visited with their teacher for next year and spent some time in their classrooms. I cannot believe that it is nearly time to farewell our wonderful Grade 6 students – with Graduation and lots of other festivities to celebrate the end of their journey with us coming up. Our whole school Transition Morning, for students to be in their new 2024 classes and meet their teachers for next year, will be held on Tuesday 12th December. Our Grade 6 students also head off for an experience at their new schools on that day too, with our new 2024 Preps joining us also for the morning too. The Leaps and Bounds Awards Assembly for this term is on Friday 15th December at 9.15am, and our Final Assembly on the morning of Wednesday 20th December. I will look forward to seeing everyone around at many of these events to finish off a great year.

2024 Planning

Staff return to school officially on Monday 29th January 2024, with all students returning on Wednesday 31st January 2024 (including our Prep 2024 students for this day).The School Office will be open on Monday 29th January and Tuesday 30th January. The Uniform Shop will also be open on the Tuesday 30th January from 9am to 12 midday. 

I am very excited to announce the following teaching teams for 2024 – looking forward to an excellent year collaborating with them all once again, to produce the best learning environment for our EPS students.

We are welcoming back Tara Porter and Jennifer Palacios in 2024, who have both been on leave. Sadly, we are saying farewell to the following wonderful staff who are heading to new roles: Laina Brebner, Claire Fraser and Jessica Tannock. You will all be sorely missed. I will highlight all of their contributions to EPS over the years in the next newsletter. We are also saying good-bye for the moment to Alison Duff, one of our former amazing teachers, and now Education Support Staff member, working in the Intervention Program. Alison will join us next year at different times throughout next year on a casual basis to support the Tutor and Intervention staff.

 Grade/                            Staff Member/s

Specialist Area   

Prep GP                           Shannyn Gardiner/Jennifer Palacios
Prep C                             Vyvyan Cornell
Prep G                            Amy Gazzard
1F                                    Gail Fraser
1B                                   Louise Boocock
1/2S                               Cathlin Smart
2W                                Katie Weerasinghe
2R                                  Jeff Roma
3H**                              Danielle Hardman

**There will be another Teacher working part-time with Mrs. Hardman

3C                                  Caroline Cook
3A                                  Bianca Appleby
4S**                              Cameron Sutherland

**There will be another teacher working part-time with Mr. Sutherland

4O                                Sascha Opperman
4BT                              Eden Byron-Thomsen
5D                                Jason Dangerfield
5F                                 Jacquie Forsythe
5/6P                             Tara Porter
6W                               Lisa Ward
6K                                Ben Kolb
6A                               Craig Appleby
Japanese                   Sonia Morison
Visual Arts                Jo McDonald
PE                               Matt Stella
STEM                         Erin Nelmes & Louise Seamer
Performing Arts       Dan MacEoin
Tutor Teachers         Danielle Hardman, Jen Palacios &  Megan Ashmore

Fire Ratings – Important Information

Our school community needs to be aware of the increased fire risk this year and into next year. Please check this link as needed for updates and information on warnings:

  • Thursday 7th December – Grade 2 Healesville Sanctuary Excursion
  • Thursday 7th December – School Finance 7pm and School Council 7.15pm
  • Tuesday 12th December – Transition morning for all EPS students into their 2024 grades
  • Thursday 14th December – Grade 5 Exploration Day at Emerald Secondary School
  • Friday 15th December – Grade 6 trip to Gumbuya World
  • Friday 15th December – Leaps & Bounds Award Assembly at 9.15am
  • Monday 18th December – Reports will be available
  • Tuesday 19th December – Grade 6 Graduation Evening
  • Wednesday 20th December – Final Assembly 9.15am – (including a presentation of medals by Prep Students to their Grade 6 Buddies)
  • Wednesday 20th December – End of Term 4 – Students dismissed at 2.30pm


  • 31st January Students Start Term 1  – Grades 1 – 6 at 9am    * Preps start at 9.30am and finish 1pm

Emma Clark

Star of the week!

For her happy & enthusiastic attitude towards learning about Mini Beasts

For always taking on board teacher feedback and uplevelling your work. You’re a STAR!

For all of his amazing efforts during our Minibeast theme!

For making great progress at improving his handwriting. Well done Noah.

For having a growth mindset throughout his Writing task which led to a wonderfully creative narrative! Well done!

For always working hard and producing beautiful work. Also for being a gorgeous person! A Super Star!

For really working hard and showing great improvement, especially with his handwriting.

For the positive attitude that you display everyday and for the consistent effort you put into your work. You are a STAR!

For his interesting cupcake carrier design hat! It was successful!

For being an amazing teacher to us this year. We absolutely had a ball with you. Thank you!

For consistently showing perseverance with his learning and aiming high with all tasks but especially in reading our class novel, Refuge.

For making so much improvement with your reading and counting of numbers to 20.

For displaying role model behaviour in the classroom and in the playground.

For her wonderful help with everything in the classroom!

For creating a wonderful picture of coral by following directions carefully.

For your enthusiasm and focus in our Maths lesson. You showed some great hefting skills! You are a mathematical STAR!

For consistently giving her best effort in her writing. Awesome!

For his improved, hard working, positive attitude and excellent reading.

For settling into 3ST and Emerald Primary School. We love having you and your kind, friendly spirit.

For always being thoughtful and considerate to others! You’re a Star!

For having a happy and enthusiastic attitude towards his class work and goals.

For your tireless work ethic and going above and beyond in all that you do.

For being a kind and caring member of our class, always willing to help others.

For her positive mindset and always applying feedback to improve her work. What a STAR!

For trying her best all the time. You are a STAR!

For her wonderfully crafted recount that used expressive language within. Such a joy to read!

For writing an awesome Under the Sea narrative!

For being so calm, cool and collected in our classroom, in every situation! You are a STAR!

For consistently putting in your best effort and for seeking help when you need it. You are a STAR!

For the amazing job he did in creating his cupcake carrier!

For outstanding lateral thinking, determination and self control.  Audrey you are a swimming star!

For working hard at all times, listening carefully to instructions and having an enthusiastic attitude that brings joy to the classroom.

For your clever use of poetic devices in your SLAM Poetry. You’re a spectacularly,  sensational SUPER Star!

This Week…

Community News

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Canteen News!

 Friday Meal Deal this week!

Meat ball Sub roll 

& Fruit Tube


 * Please note next Friday 15th December will be pre-ordered End of Year lunch orders only.

As the year draws to a close, please be aware that Canteen stock is reduced and some items may be out of stock.

Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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