Principal’s Report

The next Parent-Teacher Interview Day will be held on Thursday 27th June. It is a great opportunity to discuss your student’s report and progress. Please note the different hours for this event for 2024 – 11.30am to 6.30pm. Bookings will open in the next couple of weeks via Compass. This is a Student free day.

  • Thursday 20th June – Grade 5 Market Day
  • Tuesday 25th June @ 4.00pm – Semester 1 Reports available on Compass
  • Thursday 27th June – Parent-Teacher Interview Day (11.30am to 6.30pm); no students required at school
  • Friday 28th June @ 9.15am – “FAREWELL POLLY/MRS. SMITH!” – Whole school assembly
  • Friday 28th June @ 2.30pm – Finish Term 2
  • Monday 15th July – Curriculum Day; no students required at school
  • Tuesday 16th July – Students start Term 3

Emma Clark


Star of the week!

For his wonderful growth in reading and sharing his ideas with us.

For her consistent effort and always trying hard with her learning.

For her great work ethic towards all her work and producing fabulous results.

For her creative artwork of Mr. Huff. Thankyou for sharing with us such great strategies for staying calm.

For your growth mindset towards writing. You are consistently believing in your abilities and having a go at ALL writing tasks. You are a STAR!

For the fabulous work she has done on her Antarctic Animal Project on PowerPoint.

For consistently being outstanding in all learning areas. From diligently completing her book club homework in extension reading, to problem solving challenging mathematical tasks. Abby, you are a STAR!

For your amazing focus and outcomes in reading. Keep up that FANTASTIC work!

For showing resilience and perseverance to complete her chance project with enthusiasm and positivity.

For being a supportive team member and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone in Volley Stars! Proud of you!

For her consideration and kindness towards other schools at lightning Prem!

For being so good at cheering every Grade 6 kid on at Lightning Prem.

For always being so positive and for his sensational maths skills!

For the excellent focus and amazing sounding out during your recount writing! You are an impressive STAR!

For her great focus and positive attitude towards all her tasks. Well done.

For being such a great example in our class this week of a supportive and caring table partner! Thanks Julian

For your increased focus and positive attitude in the classroom. Keep up with checking in on what a good learner should be doing. You are a STAR!

For showcasing his solid understanding of fractions by creating equivalent fractions.

For his great effort in his data and graphing work. Well done Nathan.

For always giving 110% in every learning task. You’re a STAR.

For being a tremendous problem solver who shows perseverance in maths and has a personality that shines through and brightens our room. What a STAR!

For giving your all in the Volleyball team at Lightning Prem. We loved your dance moves and positive attitude!

For excellent sportsmanship and fabulous netball skills at Lightning Prem!

For his improved focus and efforts in our classroom. What a STAR!!

For being an amazing learner and always wanting to be his best.

For taking risks in your writing and challenging yourself to write more. You are a fabulous STAR!

For his wonderful team work skills during our goldilocks STEM challenge.

For contributing her awesome problem solving skills to our “Goldi-bear” activity.

For being such a kind person who is always willing to help others!

For creating an informative and entertaining PowerPoint presentation about Orcas.

For her constant focus during UFLI and her amazing effort to improve her reading.

For working independently, she has powered through adversity to have her team ready for market day!

For being a literary wonder who showed deep connections during her Book Club role. What a Literacy STAR!

For her excellent sportsmanship and positive attitude at Lightning Prem! You were a star!

For her amazing shooting skills and teamwork at Lightning Prem.

This week …

Get excited EPS the Grade 5 Market Day is coming:

When: Thursday 20th June, run during class time.

Where: Year 5 end of the SLC inside and out

Who: All EPS students will attend for the day to visit the stalls. Students will attend with their grade and teacher.

Cost: Students can bring in a few dollars from home to spend on items that the Y5 students have made/are selling. Most items are priced between $1-$3 dollars.

Why: The year 5s run this Market Day each year as part of their Business/ Economics unit. Students have been responsible for the whole set up process of market day:
-conducting market research
-sourcing and making items
-marketing their products to the school
-budgeting for their stall
-On the day Y5 students will run the day providing goods and services to P-6 students. Y5 students will manage their own stalls and money for the day. (With teacher supervision).

As you move around our school over the next week you will see a range of posters advertising the goods and services that will be sold on the day. Y5 students will also be coming around to grades to “spruik” their stalls and items.

All profits made on the day will go towards a cause/item voted on by the Year 5 students.

Thankyou all for your support in the running of this special day for our Year 5. They have been working so hard to make this an amazing day for all.

Congratulations to our 9 talented athletes for their performance at the Regional Cross Country Championships. They competed against the best 90 students from  Eastern Metro Region schools, therefor the standard was extremely high!

I would like to Congratulate both Matilda C (11th) and Ollie D (9th) who have qualified for the State Championships on 18th July. We wish you both all the best!

Matt Stella

Emerald Primary School have signed up to The Pancake Parlour School Rewards Program,

simply by dining out and enjoying a delicious treat you could help us earn some amazing

prizes for our school! See the pictures below for more information

These items are left over from swimming. Come see the lovely office staff if any of these are yours.

Community News

Do you want to play your part in helping us set our priorities over the next few years by being a member of our Community Panel?

We’re looking for community members to join us at three upcoming workshops, plus an online introduction session, between July and August to help develop our 2025-2029 Council Plan.

To ensure we have a panel that represents the diversity of our region, we’re strongly encouraging community members from traditionally under-represented groups, such as women, younger people, renters, LGBTIQ+, people with a disability or people from a culturally diverse background, to express interest in joining the panel.

The Community Panel will come together to discuss ideas, opportunities and challenges for Council now and into the future.

No expert knowledge is required, just a willingness to contribute in a group setting and an open mind to learning from others and finding solutions.

The session dates and times are as follows:

  • Introductory session (online) Wednesday, 17 July from 7pm-9pm
  • Meeting One on Saturday, 20 July from 9:30am to 3:30pm – Lilydale Civic Centre
  • Meeting Two on Saturday, 3 August from 9:30am to 3:30pm – Lilydale Civic Centre
  • Meeting Three on Saturday, 17 August from 9:30am to 3:30pm – Lilydale Civic Centre

Panel members will receive payment for their time, in recognition of their commitment and the importance of this work.

For more information or to register your interest, visit

Applications close Sunday, 30 June 2024.

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Chicken tender wrap with

lettuce cheese & mayo


 Chill J Raspberry

100% Natural sparkling fruit juice drink



Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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