Principal’s Report

School Fair

We are very pleased to be holding our EPS Fair again this year, on Saturday 11th November. Mrs. Peta Woodyard is heading up our School Fair Committee and they are working very hard at the moment to ensure this year’s event is a success. Stay tuned for updates as we get closer to the day. There are exciting times ahead as we plan for this fantastic community event and major fundraiser for our school again. As we are in the midst of our busy preparations for the EPS School Fair, there will be lots of information coming home – the EPS Fair Booklet is a great “one-stop-shop” for all of the information about what will happen on the day, grade stall information and how families can help to support the event. We really appreciate family involvement – we cannot do it without you! Funds raised from the day will be going towards playground improvements for the students to enjoy!

2024 Classes

As we commence Term 4, teachers begin the process of creating classes for 2024 to establish the best learning environment for them again with their peers. There are several factors that are considered in finding the best balance for each grade such as:

  • Achievement levels
  • Behavioural challenges
  • Interpersonal relationships between students
  • Teacher recommendations

Achieving even a semi-equal distribution of these factors simultaneously is no small feat! Our priority is creating a high performing and positive classroom environment ensuring a stimulating space for students to achieve their best.

As a result, requests for classes based on interpersonal relationships between students, in writing, will be accepted until Friday 3rd November ( Requests for individual teachers will not be accepted unless there is a special needs diagnosis and the final decision on all student placements rests with myself and the teaching team, after due consideration of all related factors. I thank you for your cooperation and understanding in supporting what is best for all of our students at EPS and look forward to a positive and exciting start to 2024.

2024 – Enrolments and Exits

We are coming into an important time of year regarding planning for 2024. If you are aware of any families who are looking at enquiring to enrol at EPS and have not submitted enrolment forms for next year, please encourage them to contact the school ASAP. Also, if you are exiting the school at the end of this year, please let us know as soon as possible so we can include this in our planning.

Fire Ratings – Important Information

Our school community needs to be aware of the increased fire risk this year and into next year. Please check this link as needed for updates and information on warnings:

Additional Sporting Events – Cost

Our apologies to families who may have students competing at higher levels in various sporting events coming up. The cost of buses and other parts of these activities is becoming exorbitant, and we are having to pass most of these costs onto families at this point in time, for students attending these Regional and Divisional events. Please get in touch with our Business Manager, Pauline Smith, or myself if you have any queries.

Good luck to all of our teams in Divisional events this term!

Term 4 – Being Sun Smart

Please ensure your children have their hats at school for Term 4 as per our school Sun Smart Policy – hopefully this will encourage the sun to stay out! We ask that students wear their hats in the playground during recess and lunch. As part of our SunSmart Policy, all students need to wear hats in the yard for all of Term 1 and Term 4. We have this school policy of making sure students wear broad-rimmed hats (not caps) for all times outside, to protect from the sun. Besides recesses and lunchtimes, this also includes outside grade activities like games and physical education lessons. We ask that parents support this policy by ensuring your child has the right type of hat (part of the uniform) and please make sure the hats are named and in good condition. Hats are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop for $16.

  • Monday 16th October & Thursday 19th October  –  Preps 2024 Transition sessions begin
  • Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th October –  Murrundindi Visits EPS
  • Wednesday 18th October – Divisional basketball
  • Wednesday 18th October – Prep Excursion to Cranbourne Gardens
  • Thursday 19th October – Regional Athletics
  • Friday 20th October – Grade 6 Graduation Photo
  • Monday 23rd October – Book  Fair week begins
  • Wednesday 25th October – Grandparents & Special Friends Day  10.45am until 1pm and Opening of Yarning Circle 11.15am
  • Monday 30th October  &  Thursday 2nd November – Preps 2024 Transition
  • Thursday 2nd November – School Finance meeting 7pm & School Council meeting 7.15pm
  • Friday 3rd November Grade 5 Soccer Day
  • Tuesday 7th November – Melbourne Cup Day Holiday
  • Saturday 11th November – EPS School Fair
  • Monday 13th and Thursday 16th November Preps 2024 Transition Picnic
  • Wednesday 15th November – Grade 1 Ricketts Point Excursion
  • Wednesday 29th November – Grade 4 Camp Departs – Returns Friday 1st December
  • Wednesday 29th November – Meet the Teacher Night – Preps 2024 6pm – 7pm
  • Thursday 7th December – Grade 2 Healesville Sanctuary Excursion
  • Tuesday 12th December – Whole School Orientation morning
  • Tuesday 19th December – Grade 6 Graduation Evening
  • Wednesday 20th December – End of Term 4 – Students dismissed at 1.30pm

Emma Clark

EPS families are invited to the opening of Emerald Primary School’s Yarning Circle, which was created by David and the team, at Treasuring our Trees.

Murrundindi, our local Wurundjeri Elder will be facilitating the opening from 11:15am.

This day is also another special day in our school calendar, where all Grandparents and Special Friends will be visiting from 10:45am-1:00pm, including a sausage sizzle!

We hope you can make it to this special event for our school.

*** Next Assembly – Friday 20th October

Come and enjoy some lovely singing from our talented

students from Grades Preps to grade 5

Term 3 Divisional Athletics – Yet again our EPS students competed wonderfully at the Divisional Athletics Championships, at the East Burwood track.

As you can see from the picture, we saw many successes from PBs to podium places.

We wish all of our athletes competing at the Regional Championship in Doncaster tomorrow, the best of luck!

We’re cheering you all on!


Mr Appleby

Calling budding artists…

The Emerald Arts Society will be holding their annual Art Show in November and artists of all ages are welcome to enter. There are cash prizes up for grabs and we have had a number of students from EPS win prizes in the past! For more information and entry forms, see Ms McDonald, Sonia Sensei or the office.

Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal


Taco Boat

Beef, lettuce, salsa & cheese

+ Lifesaver icypole


Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO. We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables. Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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