Principal’s Report

2023 – Term 4: Hold Onto Your Hats!

We have so many exciting things coming up this term!

The Life Education program starts this term for all grade levels – covering topics from building friendships to cyber safety. We have Murrundindi visiting with all of our students this term also to focus on indigenous education and we will be opening our beautiful new Yarning Circle, supplied by Treasuring our Trees, on our Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day on Wednesday 25th October. During that week also we will be holding the annual Book Fair which is a great fundraiser for our school. We will look forward to welcoming our 2024 Prep students for their first transition visits this term and will enjoy these last weeks with our fabulous Grade 6 students, as they start their preparations for leaving EPS to go to their various secondary schools in 2024.

Another notable activity this term, is the four-yearly School Review. The findings of the School Review helps to inform our next Strategic Plan and focuses on celebrating Emerald Primary School and its students, and also where we can improve things for our students moving forward.

Thank you to all of the students, parents/carers and students who have completed extra surveys – your input is invaluable.

The dates and parts of the School Review work as follows:

  • Monday 9th October – Validation Day: This will be a meeting of the School Review panel to decide on the terms of reference for more investigation into where we are at as a school in regards to Student Learning, Wellbeing and Engagement.
  • Tuesday 17th October – Fieldwork Day: This will be a day of collecting more information from a range of sources in relation to the terms of reference, it will include looking at school data, classroom visits by the panel, focus groups of students, parents and staff.
  • Tuesday 24th October – Final Day: This will be where the final School Review report is delivered by the panel and the next Strategic Plan goals are drafted.

The School Review panel consists of myself as Principal, Carice as our Assistant Principal, the Senior Education Improvement Leader for this area, two other current and former Principals of local schools, the School Council President or representative of School Council.

I look forward to sharing the results with you.

  • Monday 9th October  – Life Education program begins
  • Thursday 12th October School Finance meeting 7pm and School Council 7.15pm
  • Monday 16th October & Thursday 19th October  –  Preps 2024 Transition visits begin
  • Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th October –  Murrindindi Visits EPS
  • Wednesday 18th October – Divisional basketball
  • Thursday 19th October – Regional Athletics
  • Friday 20th October – Grade 6 Graduation Photo
  • Monday 23rd October – Book  Fair week begins
  • Wednesday 25th October – Grandparents & Special Friends Day
  • Tuesday 7th November – Melbourne Cup Day Holiday
  • Saturday 11th November – EPS School Fair
  • Wednesday 29th November – Grade 4 Camp Departs – Returns Friday 1st December
  • Wednesday 29th November – Meet the Teacher Night – Preps 2024 6pm – 7pm

Emma Clark

Star of the week!

For putting in lots of effort to your learning presentation. Your letter formation is really improving

For her sensational thinking and indepth questioning at school. Harriet I love your caring and thoughtful nature.

For her amazing artistic creations during our Australian Art Unit of work.

For the care and focus you put in ALL your work. You always take on feedback and uplevel where you can. You are a Learning Star!

For the incredible effort and focus she has put into her learning.

For his fabulous enthusiasm at all times and for being a great listener this week! Well done!

For your excellent Diamante poem ‘Superheroes vs Villains’. You are a STAR!

For his un-wavering, laser like focus he has shown all term! Keep up this AMAZING work, legend.

For her kindness and positive attitude. We are all so blessed to be in your presence Gracie.

For being a confident and focused learner, always being ready to take on challenges and contributing your ideas in class discussions.

For working diligently on her market stall and demonstrating resilience when experiencing challenges. What a STAR!

For displaying outstanding leadership skills in our ‘Gather & Grow’ program, with your Prep buddy and for being such a kind and generous person.

For her insatiable thirst for Mathematics knowledge. I love your inquiring mind! Terrific work!

For your sportsmanship and effort at our EDEC Basketball day. You smashed it!

For his two thumbs up effort in his maths masters. Ollie you are a focused and mature star!

For being a super star when demonstrating her reading skills to others.

For being a voracious reader who is dedicated to his nightly reading and focused on his reading goals, with excellent results. What a Star!

For your focus and detail you’ve been putting into all your learning this week. You are a Learning Star!

For participating so imaginatively and creatively in our Fairytale Fiasco incursion!

For trying hard with all of her work and for being a helpful friend to others.

For always being so caring and helpful within the class. Thank you Indie!

For consistently pouring 110% into every learning task. You are a fantastic role model/student & peer.

For always checking for clarification when unsure of how to complete something. Never stop doing this Olive.

For your amazing efforts to improve your fluency when reading aloud and for focusing hard to improve your comprehension skills.

For working diligently on his Market Day stall showing great success.

For displaying amazing sportsman-ship during our EDEC Basketball day. You are a STAR!

For his terrific growth in mastering his times tables, and for rocking it on the basketball court on Monday!

For working really hard to concentrate in class and complete all his work. What a Star!

For her wonderful segmenting to help her spell new words and always being an enthusiastic friend.

For his wonderful progress with his writing.

For having an excellent attitude and great focus towards all your learning tasks. You have been a shining star in our classroom!

For the thought and effort she always puts into her presentation.

For working really hard on her persuasive text this week!

For your excellent Diamante poem including fantastic word choices. You are a STAR!

For working extremely hard and producing a great Diamante poem about Dad.

For her amazing dedication to writing. You have an amazing growth mindset.

For her focus and determination in the classroom. Awesome effort Gabby.

For giving an outstanding effort in completing the BIG WRITE as well as his assessments in maths. Keep up the excellent work, you’re a STAR!

For always being willing to help others and approaching every day with positivity.

For confidently demonstrating his sound knowledge of time. You’re a ‘clock STAR’

For your impressive efforts at our Basketball day. We have a new Basketball Star here!

For always showing kindness and gratitude in our classroom. You are a Star!

Community News

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Canteen News!

No Friday Meal Deal this week!

Usual Canteen items available

Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let's say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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