Principal’s Report

We were very excited to hold our first-ever Junior School House Sports Carnival last Wednesday 13th March. Thanks to the Grade 6 House Captains, Grade 6 Student Council and the Grade 6 teaching team, this fun event ran from 12pm until 3.30pm. Craig Appleby and Ben Kolb planned the day for all Junior School students (Prep to Grade 2), with activities taking place on the School Oval and in the Stadium. All students rotated through all of the activities – from throwing rubber chickens, hurdles to over-under tunnel ball. The focus of the day was having fun and it was so great to see the students trying their best, cheering on others and persisting despite the rain in the first session! Parents and carers came along to watch and I think, like me, were impressed by the leadership of our Grade 6 Students. All of the Junior School students had been placed into one of the EPS House Teams – Nobelius (Green), Worrell (Red), A’Vard (Yellow) and Ryberg (Blue) – everyone looked amazing!

We will be sadly farewelling the following staff at the end of this term, but we wish them all the very best as they move on to new, exciting adventures!

Kerry Stebbing: Kerry is retiring from Emerald Primary School after almost 17 years! What a wonderful effort and commitment by Kerry to our school and community. Those who know Kerry well and those who have come across her in the office, will agree that her kind, quiet, competent and efficient approach is much valued and appreciated. We will miss her greatly around the EPS Admin Office – Kerry is always available to lend a listening ear, share some caring words and an encouraging smile. Wishing her all the very best for her travels and the next phase of her life journey – away from EPS!

Jacqui Perks: Jacqui will be taking up a full-time role at Macclesfield Primary School from Term 2. Jacqui has taught for several years at EPS, is an excellent classroom practitioner and wonderful part of the team here at EPS. Good luck Jacqui – you will be amazing!

Sonia Morison: Sonia will be having a term of leave to work at Beaconhills Christian College to continue to build her professional learning in the area of teaching Japanese. Sonia Sensei will be back with us in the last week of Term 2 and I am sure will bring back lots of learning to share.

Danni Gottschalk: Danni will be continuing her travel adventures and we wish her safe travels and lots of fun!

Megan Ashmore: Megan will be travelling around Australia for the next three terms with her family. We will miss you, Megan! Travel safe and we hope you all have an amazing time together on the road! See you in 2025!

We are lucky at EPS that with such depth and capacity in our staff, all of the work load will be covered by staff increasing their time fractions or by employing some of our well-known replacement teachers.

Last Day of Term – Thursday 28th March

Whole School Assembly at 9.15am

School finishes at 2.30pm

  • Friday 22nd March – Free Dress Day – Harmony Day
  • Monday 25th March – Thursday 28th March – Grade 5 School Camp to Philip Island
  • Thursday 28th MarchFree Dress Day – Holiday Theme
  • Thursday 28th March – Last Day Term 1 – Students dismissed at 2.30pm
  • Monday 15th April – Term 2 commences – Curriculum Day – No Students at school
  • Tuesday 16th April – Students Return

Emma Clark


Star of the week!

For her “can do” approach to learning. Imogen you are a growth mindset STAR!

For an amazing effort with her participation with all activities.

For her amazing efforts with her writing, I just love reading your wonderful stories.

For being a superstar new student at E.P.S. You are friendly, hardworking, positive and always do your best.

For always showing a happy, positive, CAN DO attitude and for her beautiful singing of the ce-ci-cy Secret Story!

For your resilience and growth mindset towards all your learning. You are eager to learn and have continued to put in your best effort with a broken arm. You are a STAR!!

For consistently finding opportunities to incorporate descriptive language into your writing.

For her perseverance when doing a task that was difficult. Great effort on your hurdles!!

For your outstanding growth in ALL learning areas. Your focus and persistence is seeing you SHINE!

For such a positive attitude to all challenges, always persisting and seeking help if she needs it!

For being an exceptional leader at E.P.S. You are so thoughtful and kind, always looking out for others and offering to help anyone in need. Thank you for modelling our school values to all students.

For their amazing organization and care running the inaugural Junior House Athletics Day.

For always being eager and enthusiastic to learn and grow.

For being an amazing classroom helper and someone who can be relied on to do tasks sensibly. You are a valuable STAR!

For his great focus towards his tasks and achieving some wonderful results.

For making an amazing return to E.P.S! You are always inclusive and show a growth mindset.

For her wonderful, happy, friendly hardworking presence in 2W. We all love you and wish you great times at Ballarat!

For her insightful ideas during our discussions on The Invisible String.

For successfully utilizing bar models to help solve number problems!

For his great enthusiasm whilst learning and singing the song from The Greatest Showman.

For your AMAZING persistence. You dive into the learning pit and always work hard until you’ve mastered the challenge.

*Student Award*

For having a happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of his classwork. What a STAR!

For your outstanding work on your ‘Castle’ pictures and text. Your ‘Saturn Orb Castle’ was beautifully illustrated and your text used descriptive vocabulary to enhance the scene and paint an image for the reader/viewer.

For his wonderful effort during reading and writing activities.

For being ready to dive into the learning pit head first, and always with a big smile on her face! You are a shining STAR!

For creating a great recount about your long weekend. You used all your letter – sound knowledge. What a STAR!

For settling in so well to E.P.S! We are so proud of the way you are following routines and your amazing reading!

For your positive engagement and participation in Maths Groups this week, working together to solve the Bar Model equations. You are a STAR!!

For being an enthusiastic contributor to our class discussions.

For outstanding growth in our place value unit! I have also really admired your thoughtful contributions to Book Club. You are such a STAR!

For showing great empathy when others are injured or upset. You are a very kind and caring person Oakley!

For her willingness to step outside her comfort zone, dive into the learning pit and seek help when she needs it!

For his insight into the characters and plot of our book club novel The Goldfish Boy. What a literary STAR!

For their amazing organization and care running the inaugural Junior House Athletics Day.

This Week…

As a school, we will be engaging in activities in Friday’s Buddy Grade Lesson along with various other lessons in each classroom throughout the next couple weeks.

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.

It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​

 Monday 18th – Sunday 24th March is Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, and organisations with the opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent, while creating more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences and empower every individual.

Posters | Neurodiversity Celebration Week (  Click on this link to learn about celebrities who are neurodiverse and have the discussion with your child/ren about how neurodiversity is something to be proud of.

 Thursday 21st March International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

IDERD is an opportunity to meaningfully acknowledge Australia’s deep-seated issues with race and racism, question the various ways racism shapes our society, and redouble our commitment to anti-racism. Only then can we start to build a society that is truly fair and equal, and that recognises the fundamental rights and freedoms of all.

The 2024 theme of the International Day is “A Decade of Recognition, Justice, and Development: Implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent”.

Everyone Belongs at Emerald Primary School and we are fortunate enough to celebrate a variety, cultures, and traditions. We feel proud of our students in the way that they support and nurture each other throughout their Primary School journey.

This week we are continuing to celebrate International Maths Day. The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration. In 2024 we want to celebrate mathematical games, puzzles and other entertaining activities, but also “playing” with mathematics itself, exploring, experimenting, and discovering. 

See below for some online options for engaging maths games you could explore at home as a family:

Important information!

Please submit your form to the Emerald Primary School Office with a copy of your Concession Card

The Department of Transport & Planning Travel Pass program provides free 30-day Travel Passes to Victorian students who are experiencing crisis to ensure they can continue to attend school by using public transport.

The program was recently expanded to include caregivers of eligible students, ensuring that they can accompany a student on their journey.

Students’ eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis by the school and the passes can be used across Victoria’s public transport network.

Travel Passes

Primary, secondary and specialist schools can receive 30-day Travel Passes free of charge to give to students in crisis.

Travel Passes can be used on:

  • bus, train and tram trips in metropolitan Melbourne (Zone 1 and 2)
  • all regional town buses
  • PTV inter-town buses
  • V/Line coaches
  • V/Line trains.

How to apply

Students can apply directly to their school.

Government schools can apply on behalf of students via their State Schools’ Relief online portal.

If you would like any more information please pop in and see the lovely office staff.

Community News

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Canteen News!

Last Friday Meal Deal for the Term!

Fish & Chips


Chocolate Birds Nest



Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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