Principal’s Report

Welcome Back to EPS – What is in store for 2024?!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new EPS families and new Prep students and their families. The last couple of days have gone very smoothly, and I have enjoyed walking around the classrooms and the yard to catch up with students and families to hear about the summer holidays and all the exciting things that have happened since we all saw each other.

I want to thank Kristie Holden and Samantha Hardiman for all of their amazing support to help students start the year in full uniform. We seem to have a hat shortage at the moment, so we will pause on students having to play in the Undercover Area at the moment and see when the hat order arrives – there is a surprise in store for everyone – as we have a new style of hat (chosen by our students!) on the way. The new style EPS hat is washable and more comfortable – also more colourful! Students may bring a different hat at the moment to wear in the yard until new stock arrives. Please ensure all hats are named.

***Please note the Uniform Shop Opening days and times will be Tuesday morning 8.30am to 9am and Friday 3.15pm to 3.45pm

Thank you also for all of the hard work by the Admin Team at the EPS Office, in getting everything organised for students and staff to start the year, and to the Teachers and Education Support Staff, who have come in over the holidays and this last week or so, to create an excellent learning environment and engaging curriculum program for our students this term.

There is a lot going on this term to keep us all extra busy – Smile Squad, EDEC Swimming, Parent/Teacher Connect Meetings, NAPLAN, Grade 3-6 Athletics and Grade 5 Camp, to mention a few things!

I am looking forward to visiting classrooms with Mrs. D’Rozario this term to see all of the learning in action, and students being their best selves and achieving their best!

  • A reminder to all students that classrooms open at 8.50am and that entry to all classrooms is from the external doors, not via the corridors in the Main Building please.
  • In coming weeks, all teachers of last year’s grades meet with the teachers of the new grades to do a handover of information to best support students in the coming year. Please contact your child’s grade teacher if there is anything that you would like them to know, but there will also be an opportunity for this at the Parent/Teacher Connect meetings on Thursday 15th February with bookings open on Monday next week via Compass.
  • Please record all Student Absences via Compass – contact the office staff – Kerry Stebbing, Fiona Hogben, Kerrie Eva, Bronwyn Thomas-Smith, Peta Woodyard, Pauline Smith if you are not sure how to use this platform or have lost/forgotten your password!

Parents and Carers are a key part of EPS and the education of our students – we are all in a partnership together to educate and support our young people.

Our EPS communication methods include Class Dojo, school email, Compass, phone call or face-to-face meetings. As a guide, please use the following platforms for these types of communication:

Class Dojo – Events and reminders to parents and carers, news on events or student work samples sent home. NB. This is not always monitored by the grade teacher during the day, so if more urgent (ie. changed arrangements to being collected from school that day), please contact the office via phone. EPS staff will have notifications turned off for Class Dojo overnight, so if there is anything urgent to let them know, please call the school in the morning or drop in to see the teacher, Carice or myself before school to support your child or yourself with any issues or concerns.

School email ( – Any non-urgent queries to our office staff (Polly, Kerry, Fiona or Bronwyn), teaching staff, Emma Clark or Carice D’Rozario.

Compass – Student absences advised via Compass, payments made, permission given for excursions, whole school/grade level notices sent home.

Phone – For more urgent queries and advising of information.

Meeting – Staff are very happy to meet with parents and carers regarding any concerns they have regarding a student’s academic, social or emotional progress. Please feel free to advise your grade teacher of anything they may need to know for the day ahead to support your child via private Class Dojo message, or a quick drop-in of a morning. For more serious concerns or extensive conversations, please make a separate meeting time with the teacher, or Carice and/or myself.

Emma Clark

This Week!

Our school is proud to support Safer Internet Day 2024.

Safer Internet Day is a global initiative that brings together communities, families, schools, and organisations from more than 160 countries to help create safer online spaces. The eSafety Commissioner leads the initiative in Australia. We educate people about online safety risks, like online abuse, how to be safe online and where to go for help. At eSafety, we know that online safety education and awareness is more important than ever. This Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 6 February 2024, we’re encouraging you to take three simple actions when approaching online safety: Connect. Reflect. Protect.

  • Connect safely by keeping apps and devices secure and reviewing your privacy settings regularly.
  • Reflect on how your actions online may affect others or your safety.
  • Protect yourself and others by visiting to find out how to stay safe online and report online abuse.

Parents and Carers, here is the link to many online resources, including free webinars.

Across all year levels, teachers are teaching cyber safety lessons and will look at how to stay safe in online environments. They will also make a class agreement about safe use of technology in class.

If you would like to make a family agreement about safe use of technology at home, follow this link for an example.

Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Look out for an exciting Friday Meal Deal next week!

Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO. We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables. Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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