Principal’s Report

The call for nominations for this year’s School Council membership was sent out this past Monday 27th February. Nomination Forms are available from the Office and are due by 4pm on Monday 6th March.
We look forward to some new parents and carers joining our School Council team! If you have any queries regarding what is involved in the role and the time commitment, please contact myself at the school, or have a chat to any of our current School Councillors:

  • Julie Bowyer – President
  • Olivia McLeod – Vice President
  • Fundraising Committee – Peta Woodyard
  • Publicity & Communications Committee – Karen Giles
  • Buildings & Grounds Committee – Patric Soussan
  • Belinda Smullen
  • Karen Charters
  • Marianne Thomson
  • Katie Weerasinghe
  • Bianca Appleby
  • Carice D’Rozario

In 2021, the Department of Education started funding a Tutor Program in all government schools to help support students who were particularly affected by the periods of Remote Learning in 2020. This program is continuing into 2023 again and we are lucky to have Miss Danielle Hardman running this program again. She will be working with grade teachers to determine where student learning gaps are and what support is required to ensure each student is achieving their expected learning potential throughout this year, with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy. The aim is for us to reach as many students as possible during the year, so if your child mentions they have been working in a group with Miss Hardman or an Education Support Staff member, it is most likely to support their learning growth in a specific area. Please contact myself, Carice D’Rozario (Assistant Principal) or Cathlin Smart (Learning & Engagement Leader) at the school if you have any queries.

We are excited to once again start off our Check Mates Chess Club for 2023! Thank you and welcome back to the Wegman-Wills family (Sharon and Mike), who set up and run our Chess Club weekly. In 2023, we would love to welcome any other parents or carers who would like to volunteer their time on Tuesdays at lunchtime (set up from 12.40pm, pack up at 1.40pm). Please email us at the school if you would like to be involved somehow – you don’t have to be a Chess Champion and don’t need to be available every week! We are planning on drafting up a Term 1 roster. School email for all enquiries is

Thank you to those parents and carers who have already offered times to help – I will be in touch soon with the roster for the remainder of this term.

This annual event will be held next Thursday 9th March for all Grades 3 to 6      students. It is a very popular event on the sporting calendar at EPS and is held at the Cockatoo Little Athletics track. More details to follow – should be a great day!

This is also an excellent event each year – where we introduce our new leaders across the school to our community, and present them with their badges. The assembly starts at 9.15am and will be held in the Stadium.

Emma Clark

Emerald Psychology Practice ( is proud to have an excellent partnership with Emerald Primary School since 2022! Emerald Psychology is our local psychology and counselling service based in Emerald and Rowville. The clinic has two locations in Emerald, one being a dedicated Child & Adolescent Centre (next to the Penny & Pickle café). They have a growing team of skilled professionals who have expertise in working with both adults and children. Emerald Psychology is a community-based service who has an existing relationship with Emerald Secondary College. Hita Mistry, the Principal Psychologist is local to Emerald and is a strong advocate for supporting the community’s wellbeing needs and reducing the stigma of mental health. She says “having a presence in places like our schools means there is an acceptance that from time to time, everyone has struggles. Seeing Psychologists and Counsellors as part of our community and building a relationship with them will reduce fear and stigma of reaching out for support when people need it the most. I am very excited to have our team work with the children at Emerald Primary School”.

Having psychologists based onsite at school has proven to have successful outcomes for mental health in children. Psychologists are able to liaise with teachers and parents/carers to support the child’s learning and development whilst providing a service in a safe and contained space at the school. Our Psychologists and Provisional Psychologists will be based at the school on certain days of the week and provide either assessments or therapy during school times. This will be coordinated through the Assistant Principal, Carice D’Rozario.

Emerald Psychology now also offers a range of child and adolescent Assessments. We conduct Cognitive Assessments and Assessments for Autism (child and adult) and ADHD. Please contact Emerald Psychology directly on 0478 125 865 to make a booking. Emerald Psychology is NDIS registered so children who have NDIS packages can access assessments with their funding.

If you or the child’s teacher believes the child will benefit from seeing one of our psychologists, please contact Carice to have your child added to the list. The last few years have been extremely challenging, and many children have suffered from mental health issues. The school has recognised that a mental health service, based on site will be an invaluable resource so we are really pleased to have arranged this for 2023.

School library sessions have commenced for all grade levels.

Junior Grades from Prep – 2 are expected to have a library bag to ensure our library books are kept safe.

All students, across all levels, may borrow for home, once per week and either return the book the following week or ask for an extension. The date stamp in the back of the book, indicates when the book is due back.

Usually, the books are returned at the commencement of a library session with the students encouraged to slip books into the Returns slot, located at the Library desk.

We encourage all students to look after our library books at home, so they don’t end up ripped by younger siblings, chewed by the dog/cat, food or drink spilt on them or left out in the rain.

Here’s to a year of happy reading!

for settling into school so well and jumping into the Learning pit.

for her fabulous focus during Inquiry and creating a detailed landscape of Uluru.

for her creative book response to the text ‘If I were Prime Minister’. We are so proud of how you have started the year!

for being a voracious reader already reading over 25 nights this term! Also for being such a happy, enthusiastic helper

you are a fantastic addition to EPS. You bring a beautiful smile everyday and you are trying your best. You are a STAR!

for his kindness, friendly nature and awesome group work skills in maths.

for outstanding effort in all areas.  Incredible narrative, insightful connections in reading and brilliant rounding in maths.

for jumping into every task with both feet always believing he will succeed!! What a Star!

for his beautifully detailed and summarised, recount wheel about Colin Thompson’s, ‘The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness’. Top job!

for showing great resilience and perseverance, especially when things don’t go to plan.

for always working hard in class and having amazing manners.

for working so hard to identify the letter names and sounds that we have been learning. What a Star!

for doing such a wonderful job of correctly spelling heart words within her writing. What a shining STAR!

for his fantastic focus and for always demonstrating beautiful manners.

for always trying his best and having a positive attitude towards all of his work!

for always being such a caring, thoughtful member of our classroom.

for the amazing way you have settled into EPS and 4P. You have been a focused learner so far and always give every task your best.

for remarkable connections in her Reading Journal with evidence from the text to support.

for applying herself to every task with an amazing ‘Never give up’ attitude!! What a STAR!

for having a joyful & enthusiastic attitude to all aspects of his classwork and being willing to share his ideas in class.

for demonstrating fantastic care and effort in all your work.

for her quick ability to recognise the sounds and hopping each letter as she reads.

for sharing with the class your Maths strategy of making 10 and adding the difference when solving addition problems. You are a STAR!

for putting in her best effort in all subjects this week, extending herself at every opportunity.

for being a kind and courteous friend to your peers and giving 100% in every learning session! What a legend!

for commitment to work through the learning pit and achieving a writing goal.

for the fantastic dedication you have towards learning and willingness to challenge yourself. What a star you are!

for taking such pride in the beautiful presentation of her work! What a star.

for cleverly using Colin Thompson’s book. The ‘Castle’ to inspire his creative ‘The Fortress of Home Depot’ piece. Top job!

for working hard and listening carefully and being a good classmate.

for being so respectful and always working hard in class.

Uniform Shop News 

2nd Hand Uniform sale

March 31st

3.15pm – 3.45pm

Community News

Share This Newlsetter!

Canteen Special!

Friday Meal Deal

Taco Boat

With beef, salsa, lettuce and cheese


Chill J Groovy Grape

(100% natural sparkling fruit juice drink)



Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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