Principal’s Report

EPS 2023 Fair – What A Day!

We could not have wished for a better day in terms of the weather for last Saturday 11th November – like Goldilock’s porridge, not too hot and not too cold! I hope that everyone who attended had a wonderful time, tasting different treats, playing the games, purchasing lots of market goodies and enjoying the exciting rides on offer. At this stage, it looks like we have raised approximately $25,000!! This is an amazing amount and will go towards the replacement of our playgrounds for the students. So, thank you one and all for your support in the lead-up and on the day. Aside from the opportunity to fundraise, it is also a great chance for our community to come together and work as a team for the betterment of our school – I always love the atmosphere and vibe in the air when we are setting up and packing up – collaboration and co-operation at its best. Of course, a huge THANKS must go to our Fair Co-ordinator Extraordinaire, Peta Woodyard, for her leadership of another successful event. Peta – your enthusiasm for, and dedication to, supporting our school, is very much appreciated. Also, a big vote of thanks to Olivia McLeod for her support of Peta and co-ordinating the Stadium/Market activities and sponsors. We could not have had such a smooth-running and delicious food stand area without the direction of Paul “Dougie” Douglas – thank you! Thanks also to Belinda Smullen for her amazing advertising artwork and to the rest of the Fair Committee, Narelle Oberin, Kylie Maes and Lee Purton, for their support. I would also like to add my appreciation for the EPS staff who came out in force to volunteer on the day to set-up, help out on stalls and clean-up on the day. Finally, thanks to all of the parent and carers who volunteered to do all sorts of jobs throughout – well done team!

Child Safety Policies 2023

Emerald Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.

Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:

2024 – Enrolments and Exits

We are coming into an important time of year regarding planning for 2024. If you are aware of any families who are looking at enquiring to enrol at EPS and have not submitted enrolment forms for next year, please encourage them to contact the school ASAP. Also, if you are exiting the school at the end of this year, please let us know as soon as possible so we can include this in our planning.

Fire Ratings – Important Information

Our school community needs to be aware of the increased fire risk this year and into next year. Please check this link as needed for updates and information on warnings:

Term 4 – Being Sun Smart

Please ensure your children have their hats at school for Term 4 as per our school Sun Smart Policy – hopefully this will encourage the sun to stay out! We ask that students wear their hats in the playground during recess and lunch. As part of our SunSmart Policy, all students need to wear hats in the yard for all of Term 1 and Term 4. We have this school policy of making sure students wear broad-rimmed hats (not caps) for all times outside, to protect from the sun. Besides recesses and lunchtimes, this also includes outside grade activities like games and physical education lessons. We ask that parents support this policy by ensuring your child has the right type of hat (part of the uniform) and please make sure the hats are named and in good condition. Hats are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop for $16.

  • Wednesday 29th November – Grade 4 Camp Departs – Returns Friday 1st December
  • Wednesday 29th November – Meet the Teacher Night – Preps 2024 6pm – 7pm
  • Thursday 7th December – Grade 2 Healesville Sanctuary Excursion
  • Tuesday 12th December – Whole School Orientation morning
  • Tuesday 19th December – Grade 6 Graduation Evening
  • Wednesday 20th December – End of Term 4 – Students dismissed at 1.30pm

Emma Clark

Star of the week!

For your hard work and focus in our Maths measurement lesson. You did a great job using informal units of measurement to measure sea animals. You are a STAR!

For being an environmental upstander and writing so beautifully and persuasively about the need to look after the oceans.

For doing such a fabulous job researching information about the “Dingo” and presenting it in a beautiful project booklet! Stunning STAR!

For writing an excellent weekend recount this week.

For showing great focus and effort with his school work. Well done Jordy!

For his enthusiasm with sharing his knowledge with the class.

For doing such an amazing job on their quadramas! You are all such inspiring ‘s

For writing beautifully thought out poems, choosing vocabulary for vivid imagery, emotion and impact. What a star!

For always having a happy and enthusiastic attitude towards her learning. What a star!

For her thoughtful and creative poetry writing showing attention to detail and uplevelling her vocabulary. What a STAR!

For your bubbly, creative energy and for the mature and respectful responses you bring to our wellbeing discussions.

For her amazing note taking abilities during maths! You are a

For writing an engaging recount about your long weekend. You have been working hard to use wow words in your writing. You are a STAR!

For working hard to improve his writing goals and producing a wonderful recount.

For being such a wonderful, caring and friendly person. We love your positive attitude to learning! A super STAR!

For always trying so hard in all tasks and for persisting and not giving up when things become challenging.

For reading with excellent fluency and expression and for being a good friend.

For your fantastic focus in writing. Your imaginative thoughts are translating well in your stories.

For her amazing effort on her Meet Poppy quadrama.

For outstanding growth in our fractions unit, a sophisticated and lively recount for his cold write as well as being a kindhearted and respectful class member with a great sense of humour. What a STAR!

For her growing willingness to seek help when working through a challenging task!! What a STAR!!

For always having a happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work.

For always having a positive attitude and a smile on your face!

For trying hard to focus more in class and complete all her work.

For being a kind and inclusive member of our class who is always ready to lend a helping hand. You are a shining STAR!

For sharing her clever ideas of different strategies to solve her math problems.

For doing a marvelous job on her presentation of her spelling work!

For always being such a hard-working student, striving to do the very best she can and stretch her learning.

For his fantastic work and progress with his reading. Well done Joe!

For being such an active listener in the classroom and showing great focus in Maths.

For your amazing effort and determination during the Cold Write. You are a Growth Mindset superstar!

For always bringing his sense of humour and light to our class each day. What a star!

For working so hard to complete set tasks in spite of being away!! What a STAR!!

For his terrific work ethic and creative poetry pieces. Your Limerick Rocked!

For always giving a fantastic amount of effort in everything you do!

For his lovely manners and his ability to make everyone in the class have fun.

This Week…

After winning a nail-biting Divisional Championship, our girls’ volleyball team ventured to The Nets in Heathmont for the Regional Championships. The competition was fierce and our girls’ abilities grew tremendously throughout the competition, resulting in winning a tough set against Serpell. While not winning a game, the team were able to close the skill gap throughout the sets and rallied hard to make each set a close competition. Fantastic performance girls!

Mr Appleby

What a fun opportunity the HPV teams had competing at the Lang Lang event. EPS had three student teams (plus two parent teams!) battle it out against other schools in the obstacle and sprint competitions.

The most enjoyable race was the obstacle event which saw competitors race against 2-3 other teams, over multiple races, on a track littered with cone minefields, see-saws, a criss-cross bridge and various rumble strips! The student teams raced strongly and were successful in winning a number of heats throughout the day, while also enjoying racing against each other, competing for bragging rights. The parent teams however, faced a few challenging, but hilariously enjoyable obstacle races. Let’s just say, we saw the underside of a few HPV carts during their race

The HPV students are now in the process of passing on their experiences to the Grade 5 students and families, so they can be ready for HPV 2024.

The HPV Team Managers

On Friday night some students from Emerald PS had a very special opportunity at AAMI park through Monbulk Soccer Club playing a mini game on the main pitch during the Melbourne Victory A league game. How wonderful! They showed great bravery walking onto the full-sized professional pitch in front of a big crowd and TV cameras. Congratulations one and all – we have many budding soccer stars at EPS and it was great to see some of them showing their stuff on the big stage!

Sunday November 19 is Open Day at Emerald Museum from 10am till 4pm.

Alongside the Salvia’s Group’s annual sale, the Museum will feature activities for children including a scavenger hunt, making paper flowers, drawings to colour in and guessing the lollies in the jar.

Take this opportunity to learn some local history and wander through the heritage listed park.

There will also be plants, local history books and our new 2024 calander for sale.

Entry is a gold coin donation and eftpos is available.

Community News

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Canteen News!

 Friday Meal Deal this week!

Asian inspired

Entertainment pack

Spring rolls & mini dim sims x 2,

 money bag, samosa & soy sauce


Lemonade icypole


Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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