Principal’s Report

Only a few more sleeps to go until the highly anticipated Emerald Primary School Fair!

Don’t forget to purchase your bargain $35 Unlimited Rides Wristband. Pre-orders close at 11pm on Wednesday 23rd October. To purchase your $35 wristbands please follow this link
After Wednesday they will only be available on Fair Day for $45 each.

Thank you to those who have already signed up to help on your grade stall on the day, we still have lots of places to be filled to be able to operate the stalls for the day. Please go to to sign up for an hour or two to help share the load.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

A BIG thank you to the following families who helped out and worked so hard at our Working Bee last Saturday:

Soussan family, Weir family, Terkildsen/Gonsalves family, Powell family, Mayman family, Byron-Thomsen family, Quach/Lee Family, Woods family, Giles family, Fitch family, Gowland family, Porter family.

Playgrounds were mulched and lots of weeds and debris were cleared from the back of the school, to continue to prepare for the bushfire season ahead. We also discussed the vision and ideas of our EPS Grounds Committee – Patrick Soussan, Julia and Hugh Weir and Julie Bowyer – with planning underway for an outdoor classroom/amphitheatre space and a pirate ship made out of tyres! Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter!

We followed up the hard work of the afternoon by attending a beer-tasting at The Railway Dog – thank you to Tim for hosting us! Thank you very much to Matt Fitch for taking the crew through the background of Hard Road Brewery and different beers (obviously only for the grown -ups!), and to Patrick Soussan for arranging the whole day – well done!

I just wanted to remind parents and carers that the school hours of supervision are from 8.45am to 3.45pm each school day. With the recent excitement of having a before and after school care program onsite, a number of children are presenting at the program without bookings and trying to engage with the children who are inside the Senior Learning Centre under the care of the TheirCare staff. Students should not be dropped to school before 8.30am please. Also, if your child/children are going to be picked up late on occasion, please let the office know and we will ensure that they are supervised. Please reach out to me at school if there is anything about this that I can help you with.

To register or find out more about TheirCare, please follow this link:

This is a notification that the Canteen will be closed on Monday 4th November – so there will be no lunch orders that day, and the Canteen will n ot be open at recess or lunch.

As we continue Term 4, teachers begin the process of creating classes for 2025 to establish the best learning environment for them again with their peers. There are several factors that are considered in finding the best balance for each grade such as:

  • Achievement levels
  • Behavioural challenges
  • Interpersonal relationships between students
  • Teacher recommendations

Achieving even a semi-equal distribution of these factors simultaneously is no small feat! Our priority is creating a high performing and positive classroom environment ensuring a stimulating space for students to achieve their best.
As a result, requests for classes based on interpersonal relationships between students, in writing, will be accepted until Friday 1st November ( Requests for individual teachers will not be accepted unless there is a special needs diagnosis and/or substantial adjustments being made for a student’s learning and the final decision on all student placements rests with myself and the teaching team, after due consideration of all related factors. I thank you for your cooperation and understanding in supporting what is best for all of our students at EPS and look forward to a positive and exciting start to 2025.

We are coming into an important time of year regarding planning for 2025. If you are aware of any families who are looking at enquiring to enrol at EPS and have not submitted enrolment forms for next year, please encourage them to contact the school ASAP. Also, if you are exiting the school at the end of this year, please let us know as soon as possible so we can include this in our planning.

Due to price increases in all uniform pieces from the wholesale company, we have had to add a small increase to many of our uniform items. Please see the new price list in this newsletter. As always, let us know if you need any assistance in purchasing uniform, and we will also continue to try to have good quality second-hand uniform items for sale.

Please note that all teaching staff are required to have one further Professional Practice Day for this term, when they will complete assessments, planning and other school tasks for their professional learning. For this term, we will be scheduling this day for all teachers on Monday 4th November. Replacement teachers (mostly whom the students know well!) have been employed for this day, so there will be a school program on this day, however, it will look somewhat different to normal school days. We generally have lower attendance numbers on this day with families using this opportunity to have short holidays. Please contact me at the school if you have any queries.

Pertussis Exclusion Guidelines (legislated for primary schools, recommended for secondary schools but not legislated):

Cases: Exclude the child for 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment (return on day 6). Exclusion can only be enacted for ‘Confirmed’ cases of pertussis.

Contacts: Contacts aged less than 7 years in the same room as the case who have not received three effective doses of pertussis vaccine should be excluded for 14 days after the last exposure to the infectious case, or until they have taken 5 days of a course of effective antibiotic treatment. This also applies to a case’s siblings (if in the same household) if under 7.


Symptoms: Cold-like symptoms including runny nose, sneezing, mild dry cough, fever. The cough may also worsen as time goes on.

It is a contagious illness.

Can cause serious health problems in babies.

Vaccination is the best protection against whooping cough. Pregnant women and adults who have contact with babies should get a booster vaccine.

Please send a message to the school email, , if you have any queries.

  • Saturday 26th October @ 11.30am – 4pm – School Fair
  • Sunday 27th October – Grade 6 H.P.V. team – Lang Lang
  • Wednesday 30th October – Friday 1st November – Grade 4 Camp
  • Tuesday 5th November – Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
  • Monday 11th November – Friday 15th November – Grade 6 Camp

Emma Clark


Growth Mindset Awards!

Jay M

Your growth mindset has been evident from the early days of Prep, when you asked, “can I write more”? You demonstrate remarkable dedication to your learning and an eagerness to make every learning task shine like gold. Despite your young age, you are a deep thinker who adds valuable perspectives that enrich our classroom. You consistently push yourself to achieve beyond what has been asked of you which is a joy to watch.Congratulations on this much deserved award Jay!

Lexi H

Congratulations Lexi on earning the Growth Mindset Award! Your recent effort to embrace challenges in both reading and writing has been very impressive. It’s amazing to see how you’re developing a positive attitude towards learning, pushing through when you think something is too hard, and improving your writing skills. Keep up the fantastic work and continue to shine in both your reading and writing journey!

Olivia H

Olivia approaches all areas of her learning with quiet and determined focus and she consistently tries to improve on her personal best. She asks questions to improve her understanding of her concepts, regularly makes connections between subject areas and can clearly explain her thinking processes to her peers and teachers. When solving problems, which can place her in the Learning Pit, Olivia remains positive and will always apply a variety of strategies to achieve her goals. She has such a curious mind and will always try her best. Well done Olivia on your amazing mindset growth.

Xavier S

It has been a pleasure to observe Xavier’s application of a ‘growth mindset’ over this term. This has been demonstrated in the way he strives to take personal responsibility for his learning, the way he encourages and supports those around him, and especially in his developing practice of having a second go at things he finds challenging. He is an inspiring example of what can happen when you are willing to learn the value of a restart. Well done Xavier!

Erica T

From the moment you arrived in 3A in Term 2, you have been a beacon of positivity. You are always willing to give everything a go, even when you are unsure. You are often one of the first to put your hand up to support others. Erica, your grit, perseverance, and initiative shine through, regardless of the challenge or curriculum area. You are an absolute delight to teach and a role model in 3A. Keep up with your positive attitude, effort, and agency over your learning. Congratulations on being 3A’s Term 3 Growth Mindset Award recipient!

Amelia P

Amelia is a dedicated student who consistently applies herself to all aspects of learning. She sets clear, achievable goals for herself and systematically works towards accomplishing them. Embracing a growth mindset, Amelia views challenges as stepping stones towards success. She will actively seek feedback from her teachers to develop and enhance her learning. Amelia approaches every lesson with infectious enthusiasm and determination. Congratulations to Amelia Patterson, the recipient of the 3H Growth Mindset Award!

Logan G

Logan is a student with a strong growth mindset, always open to learning and improving. Whenever he receives feedback from his teachers, he listens attentively and reflects on how he can apply it to his work. Rather than seeing critiques as setbacks, Logan views them as valuable insights that guide his progress. He actively seeks advice, asking questions to understand his areas of improvement better, and then puts in the effort to enhance his skills. His ability to embrace feedback and persist in the face of challenges has led to noticeable growth in his academic performance and personal confidence.

Ethan C

For his consistent and conscientious focus on his learning. Ethan always extends himself and dives into the ‘Learning Pit’ with confidence and the knowledge that he will understand a new concept with concentration, effort and a positive mindset. Congratulations Ethan!

Dolly B

A growth mindset is believing in the power of yourself and your brain! Dolly, you epitomise this in all areas of your learning and life. Your enthusiasm for learning and your ability to tackle new challenges with a positive attitude are truly inspiring. You always work hard and show persistence and resilience even when you are faced with challenges in your learning. You keep showing up and giving it your best. I’m so proud of your hard work and positive attitude at school. You not only give your best in class but encourage others to do the same. I am always impressed by your perseverance and eagerness to grow. You are a shining example to your peers. Well done, Dolly—keep reaching for the stars!

Sam N

Sam has demonstrated a great growth mindset towards his learning this year. No matter how challenging he may find something, he tackles it with a smile on his face and continues trying until he is able to understand the concept. He is always willing to take on feedback and uses mistakes as opportunities for learning. You have done such a fantastic job this year Sam, keep up the outstanding job!

Ella B

Ella, you are an enthusiastic and positive person with an admirable growth mindset. Your zest for life has seen you face your first year of school with a can-do attitude, meeting all challenges head-on. Ella, you consistently show that you believe in yourself, as demonstrated in your tremendous growth this year. You have whole body listening enabling you to actively engage in every aspect of our school life. Your willingness to confront challenges, and passion for learning have proven time and time again that you see challenges as a springboard for growth. Well done on being Prep C’s Growth Mindset Recipient for 2024.

Cooper A

Over this year, Cooper has been working so hard to make improvements in all areas of his learning at school. He has conferenced with his teachers to identify learning goals and puts his mind to the task of always trying his best to achieve them. He has to be commended for his bravery to express his feelings to others and to persist when in the learning pit. Cooper has increased his ability to identify ways in which he can help himself climb back out of the learning pit again and succeed. I am so proud of all the growth you have made this year in your personal and academic skills. It has been a privilege to be your teacher and I look forward to seeing you shine even more in the remaining term.

Charli W

We are so proud of the way Charli has developed her growth mindset confidence. She always aims to try her best but has shown an increased willingness to ask more questions and try new things. This is giving her the tenacity to face new and exciting challenges in her learning. When she is unsure, her motivation to give things a go has strengthened. We all love seeing you shine bright emerging from the learning pit. Keep reaching for the stars, Charli.

Zoe D

Hard-working, kind, thoughtful and full of empathy towards others, Zoe is an absolute delight to have in our grade! Her self-confidence continues to increase and shine, as she further develops her positive outlook, resilience and a ‘have-a-go’ attitude to all of her learning. She does not give up when concepts and skills become more challenging. Zoe is a fantastic example to us all with her admirable growth mindset! Congratulations Zoe, and keep up all of your amazing work!

Griff K

Griff demonstrates a strong growth mindset by embracing challenges as opportunities to learn and improve, particularly in maths. He views mistakes as valuable learning experiences and actively works to grow from them. Griff takes feedback positively, using it as a tool to achieve his future goals. His enthusiasm for collaborating with classmates and participating in school activities shows his commitment to continuous learning. Griff takes pride in his progress and is motivated by the effort he puts into everything he does. Well done Griff, keep up the great work!

Estella S

This student demonstrates a remarkable growth mindset by consistently giving their very best on a daily basis. Their commitment to keep improving inspires other students around them. Through determined practise of her set learning goals, she leaps over obstacles and sets the bar incredibly high. Estella, you deserve every moment of recognition and pride as you soar to new heights. You are a joy to teach and our class and school community are so lucky to have you. Congratulations!

Savannah H

For consistently demonstrating a growth mindset in all areas of her learning. She approaches each task with enthusiasm and is always willing to dive into the learning pit, knowing that challenges she comes across will lead to her learning a skill. Savannah is happy to be in moments of productive struggle, showing persistence and resilience as she works through difficult concepts. She always tries her best before asking for help, displaying confidence in her ability to problem-solve. Savannah’s positive attitude toward learning is truly inspiring!

Isla H

Isla is a student who consistently demonstrates a growth mindset in her approach to learning. She embraces challenges with enthusiasm and views mistakes as opportunities to improve. Isla has grown considerably in her resilience when faced with difficult tasks, persistently working through them and asking thoughtful questions when in the learning pit. Isla’s ability to reflect on feedback and use it to further develop her skills is commendable. I am so proud of your personal success this year. Well done on being a motivated learner who strives to embrace the qualities of a Growth Mindset.

Chloe P

Chloe, your wonderful attitude and positive approach to learning make you a standout in 6A. I admire how you embrace challenges and quietly seek feedback from both staff and peers to enhance your learning journey. Your determination, attention to detail, and willingness to reflect and improve truly set you apart, and that’s why you deserve this award. Congratulations, Chloe!

Lucas B

Lucas, it has been an absolute joy to watch the growth you have made this year, particularly the positive approach you have developed to learning something new. Grade 6 has been challenging with so many rigorous activities, but you have happily embraced them all and been flexible and enthusiastic. You should be proud of your strong work ethic! Congratulations!

Ella G 1B

Ella approaches Physical Education with such a positive and happy attitude. She is always trying her best and asks questions in order to improve her learning and motor skills. Congratulations Ella, you bring such great energy to Physical Education. Awesome effort!

Amelia K 6K

Amelia is a fantastic member of our class who is kind to, and inclusive of everyone. She is a hard worker who is applying herself well, to every task in Physical Education lessons. She enjoys working towards improving her skills and shows determination to achieve her personal best. This was evident at the recent Girls footy days. Congratulations Amelia!

Patrick A 2W

Patrick is a bright and bubbly member of 2W who always applies himself well in Visual Arts.
He is an enthusiastic participant in all activities, giving his best to every task, even if it’s a bit tricky.
Congratulations on this well-deserved award Patrick.

Ayla H 5D

Ayla is a talented artist who always gives her best effort in Visual Arts.
When she’s unsure of something she asks relevant questions, and this benefits her learning.
Ayla consistently produces beautiful, creative artwork and is always willing to help.
Congratulations Ayla, on this fantastic award.

Jimmy O 2R

This award is proudly presented to this student in recognition of their unwavering commitment to practice and their remarkable success achieved through hard work and perseverance. Your dedication and effort have not only honed your skills but have also set a stellar example of what can be accomplished with determination and a positive attitude. Your journey reflects a true passion for excellence and a readiness to go above and beyond in pursuit of your goals. Congratulations Jimmy on your outstanding achievements. We look forward to seeing your continued growth and success.

Williams R S 6K

This award is proudly presented to this student in recognition of your exceptional ability to transform a seemingly small role in the school play into a standout moment of the entire performance.
Your creativity, dedication, and talent is obvious and deserve to be celebrated. Your performance captivated the audience and set a high standard for all. Congratulations Will on this well-deserved recognition. Your contribution to the play was truly remarkable and inspiring.

Zoe C 1F

Zoe always comes to Nihongo classes with a positive attitude, a big smile and gives every activity her very best. She loves to join in with every activity – speaking, listening, writing, singing, dancing! She focuses her attention beautifully and picks up new information really well. She is a wonderful example to all of how to build a growth mindset. Congratulations, Zoe!

Aiden L 4B

Learning a new language can be tough, especially when you’re new to the school and all your classmates have a head start on you. Although Aiden only joined the school last year, he has been open to learning from the very first lesson. He gives every activity his very best and focusses well so that he catches on really quickly. In fact, he has pushed himself to do extra learning at home and is now impressing us with the new words he’s picking up from Duolingo! Congratulations, on your Growth Mindset, Aiden.

Evie D Prep SP

Evie is a conscientious and creative student who actively participates in STEM classes. She listens attentively, is keen to achieve and is always willing to help others. Evie has made wonderful progress this year and is now willing to take on board feedback and up-level her work when necessary. She has a positive growth mindset and readily seeks assistance to clarify tasks presented and then always gives it her best shot to complete the work required to a high standard. You are a wonderful hard-working student Evie, as well as being a gorgeous person.
What a star!

Ellie F 5D

Ellie approaches all areas of her STEM learning with a positive and can-do attitude. She strives to extend her knowledge after seeking feedback and understands what she needs to work through the learning pit. When faced with a challenge, she always maintains a calm manner, exploring all avenues to improve her outcomes. Keep up the strong effort and persistence to embrace new learning, you are showing all those around you how far a growth mindset can take you. You are a STEM superstar, Ellie.

Star of the week!

For such a hard working attitude during maths sessions.

For always trying your best in everything you do. It is so wonderful to see your pride and effort shining through.

For being a friendly, respectful and successful member of our class at all times!

For his enthusiasm and skills in maths, fantastic effort at all times and for being an all-round wonderful human!

For always happily joining in to all our class activities and for working hard.

For showing his working out for worded problems relating to money.

For his concentration and effort to learn a new skill during our Learn Something New Tube Project.

For jumping into the learning pit and taking on learning challenges with great enthusiasm.

For setting an example of excellent behaviour and being a great friend your peers can rely on.

For always demonstrating our school values and always being kind to others.

For enthusiastically leading the small group activities on Japanese Day, and for acknowledging how challenging teaching can be.

For displaying such enthusiasm for all your writing tasks and for your wonderful focus in the class. You are a STAR!

For great effort editing your story writing and upleveling your ideas. You are a STAR.

For putting in a focused effort making his air clay sushi on Japanese day.

For your excitement and focus during Japanese Day. You also showed great respect during Taiko practice at lunchtime. You are a Japanese SUPER STAR!

For the amazing job he did writing his sentences for our holiday writing. Fantastic Job Jack!

For beautiful attention to detail, giving thoughtful contributions to our whole class discussions. Well done!

For his persistence to keep going when things are tough. I am very proud of you for not giving up in our LSNT project.

For her enthusiastic participation and commitment to making Japanese Day such a huge success. What a STAR!

For her amazing focus and effort in her inquiry and reader’s theatre session. You are a superstar.

For trying hard to complete her work on slam poetry.

For being a wonderfully kind and helpful friend and classmate. You are a fantastic role model to others.

For always focusing hard on producing her best work in all areas!

For settling in so well and sharing her travel experiences from her holidays with us all!

For your consistent focus and dedication to your learning. You tackle every task with enthusiasm and put in your BEST effort to everything you do. You are a EPS learning Star!

For regaling our class with an EPIC recount of his trip to America.

For consistent positive attitude and focus when working towards her learning goals. You are a STAR!

For approaching his learning in a positive and enthusiastic way. What a Star!

For her enthusiastic participation and commitment to making Japanese Day such a huge success. What a STAR!

For being an outstanding role model at EPS! Your efforts as an Environment Leader, organising working bees, garden club and participation in Earth-Ed program are all amazing! Not to mention the flute and helping organise chess club. You are a STAR!

For her ability to see a need and always offer to help!

This week …

A BIG WEEK – EPS School Fair Countdown is on!

Only a few more sleeps to go until the highly anticipated Emerald Primary School Fair!

Don’t forget to purchase your bargain $35 Unlimited Rides Wristband. Pre-orders close at 11pm on Wednesday 23rd October. To purchase your $35 wristbands please follow this link
After Wednesday they will only be available on Fair Day for $45 each.

Thank you to those who have already signed up to help on your grade stall on the day, we still have lots of places to be filled to be able to operate the stalls for the day. Please go to to sign up for an hour or two to help share the load.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Upcoming Events …

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Honey Chicken & rice


Chupa Chups icypole



Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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