Principal’s Report

2023 – Term 4: Hold Onto Your Hats!

School Fair

We are very pleased to be holding our EPS Fair again this year, on Saturday 11th November. Mrs. Peta Woodyard is heading up our School Fair Committee and they are working very hard at the moment to ensure this year’s event is a success. Stay tuned for updates as we get closer to the day. There are exciting times ahead as we plan for this fantastic community event and major fundraiser for our school again. As we are in the midst of our busy preparations for the EPS School Fair, there will be lots of information coming home – the EPS Fair Booklet is a great “one-stop-shop” for all of the information about what will happen on the day, grade stall information and how families can help to support the event. We really appreciate family involvement – we cannot do it without you! Funds raised from the day will be going towards playground improvements for the students to enjoy!

2024 Classes

As we commence Term 4, teachers begin the process of creating classes for 2024 to establish the best learning environment for them again with their peers. There are several factors that are considered in finding the best balance for each grade such as:

  • Achievement levels
  • Behavioural challenges
  • Interpersonal relationships between students
  • Teacher recommendations

Achieving even a semi-equal distribution of these factors simultaneously is no small feat! Our priority is creating a high performing and positive classroom environment ensuring a stimulating space for students to achieve their best.

As a result, requests for classes based on interpersonal relationships between students, in writing, will be accepted until Friday 3rd November ( Requests for individual teachers will not be accepted unless there is a special needs diagnosis and the final decision on all student placements rests with myself and the teaching team, after due consideration of all related factors. I thank you for your cooperation and understanding in supporting what is best for all of our students at EPS and look forward to a positive and exciting start to 2024.

2024 – Enrolments and Exits

We are coming into an important time of year regarding planning for 2024. If you are aware of any families who are looking at enquiring to enrol at EPS and have not submitted enrolment forms for next year, please encourage them to contact the school ASAP. Also, if you are exiting the school at the end of this year, please let us know as soon as possible so we can include this in our planning.

Fire Ratings – Important Information

Our school community needs to be aware of the increased fire risk this year and into next year. Please check this link as needed for updates and information on warnings:

Additional Sporting Events – Cost

Our apologies to families who may have students competing at higher levels in various sporting events coming up. The cost of buses and other parts of these activities is becoming exorbitant, and we are having to pass most of these costs onto families at this point in time, for students attending these Regional and Divisional events. Please get in touch with our Business Manager, Pauline Smith, or myself if you have any queries.

Mrs. D at Monbulk Primary School!

We wish Mrs. D’Rozario all the very best as she fills in as Acting Principal at Monbulk Primary School for the next couple of weeks, whilst their Principal is on leave. During this time, Mrs. Bianca Appleby, Mrs. Cathlin Smart and Mr. Craig Appleby will fill the Acting Assistant Principal role at our school.

Term 4 – Being Sun Smart

Please ensure your children have their hats at school for Term 4 as per our school Sun Smart Policy – hopefully this will encourage the sun to stay out! We ask that students wear their hats in the playground during recess and lunch. As part of our SunSmart Policy, all students need to wear hats in the yard for all of Term 1 and Term 4. We have this school policy of making sure students wear broad-rimmed hats (not caps) for all times outside, to protect from the sun. Besides recesses and lunchtimes, this also includes outside grade activities like games and physical education lessons. We ask that parents support this policy by ensuring your child has the right type of hat (part of the uniform) and please make sure the hats are named and in good condition. Hats are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop for $16.

We have so many exciting things coming up this term!

The Life Education program starts this term for all grade levels – covering topics from building friendships to cyber safety. We have Murrundindi visiting with all of our students this term also to focus on indigenous education and we will be opening our beautiful new Yarning Circle, supplied by Treasuring our Trees, on our Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day on Wednesday 25th October. During that week also we will be holding the annual Book Fair which is a great fundraiser for our school. We will look forward to welcoming our 2024 Prep students for their first transition visits this term and will enjoy these last weeks with our fabulous Grade 6 students, as they start their preparations for leaving EPS to go to their various secondary schools in 2024.

Another notable activity this term, is the four-yearly School Review. The findings of the School Review helps to inform our next Strategic Plan and focuses on celebrating Emerald Primary School and its students, and also where we can improve things for our students moving forward.

Thank you to all of the students, parents/carers and students who have completed extra surveys – your input is invaluable.

The dates and parts of the School Review work as follows:

  • Monday 9th October – Validation Day: This will be a meeting of the School Review panel to decide on the terms of reference for more investigation into where we are at as a school in regards to Student Learning, Wellbeing and Engagement.
  • Tuesday 17th October – Fieldwork Day: This will be a day of collecting more information from a range of sources in relation to the terms of reference, it will include looking at school data, classroom visits by the panel, focus groups of students, parents and staff.
  • Tuesday 24th October – Final Day: This will be where the final School Review report is delivered by the panel and the next Strategic Plan goals are drafted.

The School Review panel consists of myself as Principal, Carice as our Assistant Principal, the Senior Education Improvement Leader for this area, two other current and former Principals of local schools, the School Council President or representative of School Council.

I look forward to sharing the results with you.

  • Monday 9th October  – Life Education program begins
  • Thursday 12th October School Finance meeting 7pm and School Council 7.15pm
  • Monday 16th October & Thursday 19th October  –  Preps 2024 Transition visits begin
  • Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th October –  Murrindindi Visits EPS
  • Wednesday 18th October – Divisional basketball
  • Wednesday 18th October – Prep Excursion to Cranbourne Gardens
  • Thursday 19th October – Regional Athletics
  • Friday 20th October – Grade 6 Graduation Photo
  • Monday 23rd October – Book  Fair week begins
  • Wednesday 25th October – Grandparents & Special Friends Day
  • Thursday 2nd November – School Finance meeting 7pm & School Council meeting 7.15pm
  • Tuesday 7th November – Melbourne Cup Day Holiday
  • Saturday 11th November – EPS School Fair
  • Wednesday 15th November – Grade 1 Ricketts Point Excursion
  • Wednesday 29th November – Grade 4 Camp Departs – Returns Friday 1st December
  • Wednesday 29th November – Meet the Teacher Night – Preps 2024 6pm – 7pm

Emma Clark

Growth Mindset awards

Arlo has improved immensely since last semester. He shows motivation and persistence to work on his learning goals in all areas. He has recognised the need to position himself away from distraction and this has greatly increased his ability to stay focused on a task. We are so proud of all your achievements Arlo and cannot wait to see you succeed in this last term.

Jacey approaches all areas of her learning with quiet and determined focus and she consistently tries to improve on her personal best. She asks questions to improve her understanding of concepts and regularly makes connections between subject areas. When solving problems, which can place her in the Learning Pit, Jacey remains positive and will always apply a variety of strategies to achieve her goals. She has such a curious mind and will always try her best. Well done, Jacey.

Kiah has shown phenomenal growth in her learning mindset and maturity throughout term 3. She actively seeks and actions feedback from her teachers to improve her learning outcomes. Her positive attitude and willingness to take on new challenges have been such an asset to 2DS this semester. Keep up the great work Kiah, we are incredibly proud of all that you have achieved!

Hunter always demonstrates a growth mindset and strives to achieve his best every day. He enthusiastically dives into the learning pit, willing to take on new learnings in a positive and passionate way. Hunter takes responsibility for his learning by working independently and seeking and acting upon feedback. He champions others’ successes and works well with his peers to improve his understandings. Well done Hunter, your persistence and determination are inspiring to those around you.

We are so proud of the way Edith has faced any challenges this year with a positive and can-do attitude.  Her strength in knowing how she learns best and modifying her learning strategies to suit is admirable.  She strives to extend her learning after feedback and understands what she needs to work through the learning pit. To top it all off, she is a great role model for her peers. Keep being wonderfully curious and passionate Edith.

Liam is a student who has demonstrated huge growth in his enthusiasm for learning and his perseverance. He consistently displays a positive attitude, has self-discipline, embraces new challenges and seeks out opportunities in order to grow and improve. When faced with an obstacle in his learning, Liam is happy to sit in the ‘learning pit’ and persevere until a resolution is found. Liam has grown in his resilience and continually demonstrates a passion for gaining new knowledge. Liam, I am so proud of your personal success this year. Well done on having the qualities of a Growth Mindset!

Your remarkable growth mindset is evident in your eagerness to learn, your readiness to tackle challenging educational tasks, your willingness to seek and accept feedback and your exceptional positive and respectful demeanour towards both peers and teachers. You are always willing to jump into the learning pit and come out of it through perseverance, resilience, and never giving up. Amazing work Aurelia!

Tyler is not afraid to put in the hard work needed to master a concept. He always goes above and beyond seeking assistance and feedback until he understands. His attitude towards his learning has made him a role model and valued member of our class this year. Tyler is to be commended on his persistent and positive attitude towards his learning all year, continuously delving into the learning pit and striving to better his learning. Well done Tyler.

Evie is a talented artist who is producing some fabulous, original artworks. She demonstrates resilience and adaptability in the Art Room, working hard to problem solve as needed. She is always keen to experiment with new ideas and techniques. Congratulations on a fine term’s work Evie!

For persistently focusing on classroom activities and music skill building. Well done Bruce!

Learning a new language can be tough, especially when you’re new to the school and all of your classmates have a head start on you. Although Finn is new to learning Nihongo this year, he has been open to learning from the very first lesson. He didn’t allow himself to become frustrated when there were words he didn’t know. Instead, he joined in every activity to the best of his ability with a big smile on his face and just had a go. Now, after 3 terms, his growth mindset has helped him to catch up to his classmates. Congratulations, you’re a growth mindset superstar, Finn!

Finn can always be counted on to take a chance and share his predictions or thoughts on a topic with the class. Finn listens carefully to his peers and tries to tap into his prior knowledge to improve his understanding of concepts being learnt. Keep challenging yourself and achieving your goals, Finn!

Hailey, you approach all areas of our learning with a can-do attitude and always put in your best effort at school. You have proven throughout Prep that you are keen to understand and make connections with your learning across the curriculum. Hailey, I have loved your open and positive approach to feedback, seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow. You have become a leader in our class for curiosity, perseverance, and a positive mindset. With your engaging nature and outstanding work ethic, I am sure you will continue to thrive as a lifelong learner. Congratulations, Hailey!

You approach every learning task put before you with ninja-like focus…head down, ignoring distractions around you, and with a quiet determination to produce work that is to the very best of your ability. You accept feedback on ways to improve with a smile on your face and the strength of character to see it as an opportunity to grow. You are a calm and gentle presence in our classroom and a wonderful example of how hard work can lead to success!

Travis has shown his growth mindset over this term through words and actions that convey a belief that his current abilities are a stepping stone to future goals. Each day in the classroom it is evident that he has a natural curiosity which seeks to build logically upon his present skills and understandings in order to reach a new level. He displays a love of learning and an accompanying resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.

Mia is always keen to learn and sees her efforts as a way to succeed. She learns from her mistakes and works hard to improve by embracing new challenges, even when she may find them difficult. She takes on feedback as a positive way to achieving her future goals. She loves working and learning from her classmates and enjoys all school activities. Well done Mia, you should be very proud of all the effort you put into your work!

From the moment Gabby walked into Grade 4 her attitude was to succeed. She has taken every opportunity to be deep in the learning pit, by herself, with a partner or a small group, not only learning from others but also quietly sharing her knowledge. She sees feedback as a positive and uses it to better her education. You should be very proud of yourself Gabby, like I am.

This student demonstrates a remarkable growth mindset by consistently giving their very best on a daily basis. They actively listen in class and carefully follow instructions, being sure to fulfil set criteria as well as go above and beyond. Their commitment to keep improving inspires other students around them. When they make a mistake, they think about what they could do differently next time and share this valuable learning with others. Clare, you are a joy to teach and our class and school community are so lucky to have you. Congratulations!

Jasmine, your beautiful attitude and can-do approach to learning is a positive presence in 6A. I love how you tackle challenges and welcome feedback and guidance, from staff and peers, to further support your learning journey. You are determined, meticulous, reflective and willing to improve and that is why you’re so worthy of this award. Congratulations Jasmine!

Liam approaches Physical Education with the attitude that he will always try his best. He asks questions in order to improve his learning and motor skills. Congratulations Liam, you bring such great energy to Physical Education. Well done!

Ethan is an exceptional person to know, always attentive and noticing all that goes on around him, while consistently demonstrating his unique artistic flair. He gives EVERY task his best effort in the Art Room, adjusting his ideas and methods as required. Ethan rises to every challenge he meets, with good humour and a positive mindset. Congratulations Ethan, you are a most worthy recipient of this award!

For persevering through a tremendous level of distress and anxiousness to successfully come out the other side and produce a fantastic, high end performance. Way to overcome adversity! Well done Savannah!

Maximus always comes to Nihongo classes with a positive attitude and gives every activity his very best. He stays super focussed, makes connections with previous learning and always has a go. When things are challenging, he never gives up but instead pushes himself to extend his skills. Maximus is a wonderful example to all of how to build a growth mindset. Congratulations, Maximus!

Klaeton has a fabulous attitude to learning. Klaeton asks questions and engages thoughtfully in class discussions; deepening his understanding of the concepts being explored. Each and every week Klaeton enters the STEM classroom eager and ready to learn. Keep up the wonderful work, Klaeton!

Annie is a hardworking and dedicated student. She seeks feedback and takes the opportunity to improve herself and her knowledge. Annie shows a growth mindset and continually achieves great results due to wanting to strive for excellence. Everyday Annie demonstrates that it is important to keep working towards individual learning goals and wanting to be successful.

Harry approaches all areas of his learning with the attitude that he will try his best. He asks questions to improve his understanding and applies any feedback given to him. Harry happily jumps into the ‘learning pit’ and never gives up,  using his own time to uplevel and present his best effort. Keep being determined, Harry!

For her constant enthusiasm and dedication to doing her best at all times. With a positive attitude, contagious smile and happy nature, she fully commits to the learning process by always listening attentively, following all instructions and willingly contributing to classroom discussions. She always has her best go, working through the ‘learning pit’, even when it is difficult and doesn’t give up. She doesn’t let disappointment get her down: instead she demonstrates resilience and fortitude to continue towards her goals. She understands how she learns best and makes mature choices within the classroom. I am so proud of you Kandice! Keep up your amazing effort!

His positive can-do attitude has seen him achieve so much this year. When facing struggles, he works hard to overcome them and do better every day. Conor, It has been a delight to watch you relish in meeting challenges while learning many new things this year. You are a superstar, and we are so proud of you!

You are an open-minded and confident learner with a great curiosity to discover new things about the world and how things work. When meeting tricky situations and more challenging topics, you have used your positive mindset to give things a go. I have seen you dive into learning with great enthusiasm, working hard to reach your goals as you have learnt new skills and climbed out of the learning pit. You are always ready and willing to share your learning with others and I have loved how focused you have become as the year has progressed. Your growth mindset has been, and will continue to be, an asset to you as you continue your learning journey, and I can’t wait to see what you achieve in the future.

William shows such positivity towards his learning every day. He consistently demonstrates a positive attitude towards his learning, embracing challenges as an opportunity for growth. His resilience shines through as he persistently navigates the learning pit, seeking new ways to achieve success. Taking ownership of his education, William exhibits independence, a growth-oriented mindset, and dedication to expanding his skills across all his learning. Well done William on your hard work and persistence with all you do!

Edmund has demonstrated a great growth mindset towards his learning this year. No matter how challenging he may find something, he has the ability to push through and continue trying until he is able to understand the concept. He is always willing to take on feedback and uses mistakes as opportunities for learning. You have done such a fantastic job this year Edmund, keep up the outstanding job!

Rainer is a fantastic member of our class who is kind to, and inclusive of everyone. He is a hard worker who is applying himself well, to every task in Physical Education lessons. He enjoys working hard to improve his skills and shows determination to achieve his personal best. Congratulations Rainer!

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Canteen News!

 Friday Meal Deal 

Chicken parma roll


Chill J –  watermelon drink

(100% natural sparkling fruit juice)


Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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