Principal’s Report

Exciting times as we prepare for a fun day of running through a rainbow of colours and raising funds for our school to improve our playgrounds for the students! To get involved, please follow this link:

Thank you to Mrs. Peta Woodyard for all of the work she is doing to prepare for this special event on Wednesday 6th September!

EPS families have been asked to participate in the 2023 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey (previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey). Each year the school conducts an opinion survey with the school community. While previously a random sample of approximately 30 per cent of parents/caregivers/guardians have been selected to participate, this year, all families are invited to participate in the survey. Results will be used to inform and direct our future school planning and improvement. I ask you to please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future management and organisation of our school. The survey will be conducted online and should take 20 minutes to complete. The survey can be completed on any internet enabled device (iPad, Desktop or Laptop, Smartphone) and is compatible with most browsers and will be open from Monday 7th August to Friday 8th September.

Stay tuned for more details on:

  • Science Week – Monday 14th August to Friday 18th August
  • Book Week Celebrations – starting Monday 21st August, including the
  • Book Swap and culminating in a Favourite Book Dress-up Day and the Whole School Read-In on Friday 25th August
  • Japanese Sister School Principals visiting EPS – Friday 25th August
  • Smile Squad Dental Service visiting – Monday 21st August to Friday 8th September
  • Colour Fun Run – Wednesday 6th September
  • Divisional Athletics Round – Wednesday 13th September (Good luck to the students competing on this day!)

Emma Clark

Star of the week!

For always being caring and helpful to your teachers and classmates!

For his quick maths recall. Such fast skills! Super maths star!

For always engaging enthusiastically in class discussions and never being afraid to give things a go. You are a STAR!

For fantastically  focused work in the classroom this week. You are a star!

For completing some amazing poetry work this week and doing your absolute best!

For showing great focus and putting in a fantastic effort with your sentences and handwriting. You are a STAR!

For trying his best with his reading this week. He has jumped in that learning pit  and taking ownership of his learning!

For his amazing perseverance during his Anh Do biography as well as his always fabulous efforts with maths masters. Jude you are a learning star!

For being such an enthusiastic learner and diving confidently into your inquiry research about the country, Brazil.

For spectacular growth in his vertical multiplication. I am also so impressed with your information report on Aquatic Biomes. I admire your deep thinking and bright energy, what a star!

For the confident way he presented his Biomes research to his peers!

For having an enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of his learning and bringing joy to others around him with his infectious personality.

For always showing kindness and generosity to everyone around you. What a legend you are!

For always showing kindness and gratitude in our classroom. You are a star!

For attacking new words in his reading with enthusiasm. Your growth at school is wonderful.

For her fabulous recall of some of the paintings from the story of Roy and Matilda, The Gallery Mice.

For doing an AMAZING job settling in at  EPS! You’re so hardworking and friendly to everyone in the class. What a star!

For putting in a brilliant effort in all she has done this week!

For her superb listening skills, constant excellence in her work and all round wonderfulness!

For your fantastic focus in all learning tasks this week. Keep it up!!

For being a kind and caring class member. 3ST love you Sav! (Student choice)

For being a quiet, but kind and caring class member of 4O.

For your amazing efforts when writing your Anh Do biography and working so hard on your paragraph skills.

For being polite, courteous and kind both in the classroom and in the yard!

For her confidence and leadership when researching and presenting her Biomes project as part of a team.

For making terrific growth in her understanding and skill development in soccer! And being an all– round superstar!

For your kind and caring nature, and for being an all out superstar!

For working so hard on his reading skills and developing his smooth reading.

For displaying such positivity towards all your learning tasks and always trying your very best! You are a rainbow star!

For working so hard to have a go with your writing! You are a star!

For working incredibly hard at staying focused and engaged this week.

For being wonderfully kind and respectful student to all. You are a beautiful example of how we should all treat others.

For diving into the learning pit in maths. Your perseverance was fantastic and helped you to read analogue clocks!

For his amazing effort he puts into everything he does.

For outstanding work in literature circles, tracking your thinking about the book ‘Girl Underground’, having rich discussion with your book and making strong connections.

For bringing a cheerful and positive attitude to all that he does!

For settling in to our class so well. Your kindness and enthusiastic nature make you a delight to have in the class.

For her insatiable thirst for mathematics knowledge. I love your inquiring mind! Terrific work!

For always thinking of others, being kind, caring and generous with others and for always being grateful.

I am so excited to announce that Monday, 14th to Friday 18th August is Science Week! This year’s theme is “Innovation: Powering Future Industries”. To celebrate we are going to be holding a Science Fair. During Science Week we will be displaying experiments and students will be able to run demonstrations of their inventions at lunchtimes. Participation is completely voluntary. There will be a sign up sheet at the Science/Food lab if you are interested in joining in.

I can’t wait to see all your amazing inventions!

Mrs Kirkby

Dear Families,

It’s time for EPS to celebrate children’s literature with the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week! The CBCA Book Week is a fantastic event that promotes the joy that reading can bring to young minds! The theme for 2023 is “Read, Grow, Inspire. Primary schools and libraries across Australia join in the fun celebrating literature with Book Week activities and Book Character Parades.

As part of the fun planned in Book Week, E.P.S. will be having a whole school Book Dress-Up Day on Friday 25th August. We would love to see all students coming dressed up as a character from their favourite book. It would be great if they can also bring in the book their character is from to share with their class. Costumes don’t have to be elaborate; we just want to celebrate our love of reading!

On Friday 25 August, EPS will host a range of fun activities across  the whole school:

9:15am a Special Assembly will see a Parade of every grade level showing off their costumes and favourite books! Followed by a whole staff Performance of the classic ‘We’re Going on a Bear Huntby Michael Rosen. We are very excited to have our Emerald Preschool join us for this special assembly!

11:15am Read-In’. This will consist of the entire school meeting for a period in the stadium to do 15 minutes of silent reading together! This is a special moment as over 500 students and teachers are simultaneously immersed in their books. The atmosphere is goosebump inducing!

We are all really looking forward to celebrating reading and enjoying our fun Book Week activities with the students!

Katie Weerasinghe and Eden Byron-Thomsen

Literacy Leaders


The Smile Squad team from EACH are coming to

our school from 21st August 2023.

Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free

School  dental program.

This means all students can get a free dental

Check-up, preventive services and treatment at school.

How to access free dental care

We need your consent before we can provide services.

Consent  is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

Sign up to Smile Squad at:

OR use the below QR code:

Emerald Primary School will be acknowledging and engaging in activities on Friday 18th August (and beyond) to support the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA).

The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative for schools. It encourages whole school communities to work together to implement evidence-informed positive and proactive solutions to prevent and address bullying.

We are joining other schools nationwide to say: Bullying. No Way! By engaging in activities, it will help to create a shared understanding of what bullying is.

The NDA theme for 2023 is ‘growing connections’. This theme supports research findings that:

  • strong school community connections and social skills, are protective factors in the prevention of bullying and help enable positive, help-seeking behaviours in students.

Help Seeking strategies are also taught in our Respectful Relationships program in the second half of term 3. Teaching and learning activities are designed to help children and young people to identify and grow positive connections with their peers and school community. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, student or member of the broader community, everyone has a role to play in preventing bullying.

‘Bullying is Never OK!’ YouTube Clip (A great clip to watch with your child/children to have an open discussion and shared understanding around what bullying is).

How families can respond (     Fact sheets for families (

For families (

Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal



Cheese, Sour cream & Salsa


Chill J Blackcurrant

(sparkling fruit juice)


Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let's say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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