Principal’s Report

A reminder that we are having a free dress day this Friday 26th July to celebrate the start of the Olympics! No gold coin donation necessary. Students can wear the green and gold, or dress in their favourite sport, or as their favourite athlete!

Please note other Free Dress days this term will be:

  • Friday 9th August for Preps only: 100 Days Brighter – Prep students only (teachers will advise)
  • Friday 16th August – for Book Week, dress as a character from your favourite book
  • Friday 23rd August – for Science Week, dress up as anything to do with Science, STEM or as a Scientist!
  • Friday 20th September – favourite sport, athlete or sporting team.

A reminder to all students that there are lots of different activities available for them to take part in at lunchtime, if they are not sure what to do or where to play! Students can check the “What’s On At Lunchtime?” timetable, which is up around the school and in classrooms, to see what they can choose.

2025 Prep Enrolments – Due Date
A reminder to any families with Prep students starting in 2025 that Enrolment Applications are due by Friday 26th July. Please contact the Office on 5968 4311 or by email : with any queries. It would be great if you could pass this information on to any families you know of who may wish to enrol their Prep child for next year. Families will be advised by Friday 9th August regarding confirmation of their placement at EPS.

Please see a reminder of the process below.

Our school is using an online system for new Prep (also called Foundation) enrolments to Victorian government schools, called VicStudents.

To get started:

  1. Visit to create an account and complete the online application form by Friday 26 July 2024.  If you would prefer to submit a paper application form, please contact us.
  2. We will then review the information submitted and be in contact with you by Friday 9 August 2024.
  3. You should accept one enrolment offer by Friday 23 August 2024. When accepting an offer, you will be required to provide additional personal and health information that will be shared with the school.

Is VicStudents secure?
VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.

For more information about enrolling your child into a Victorian government primary school, visit Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).

Emma Clark


Academic Awards!

Lucy P

From day one of Prep and every day thereafter, you have walked into our classroom radiating positivity and a willingness to learn that has not gone unnoticed. Never one to shy away from a challenge, you grab it with both hands, motivated to achieve your best. You have shown exceptional growth, particularly with your reading, using feedback to uplevel your skills and enhance your performance. Consistently respectful, you uplift those around you and help create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. All this coupled with your optimism and inherit kindness towards all members of our class, makes teaching you so rewarding. Lucy, you are a ray of sunshine and we congratulate you on this well-deserved award!

Mackenzie M

Mackenzie has shown fantastic progress this term in all areas of her learning. She approaches each task with enthusiasm and consistently demonstrates a positive attitude towards her studies. In English, Mackenzie has developed a keen interest in reading and writing. Her skills are flourishing. She is a respectful and attentive member of our classroom community and she has had an excellent Term Learning new skills. Mackenzie continues to make impressive strides in her academic and personal development. I look forward to seeing her continued growth and success in the coming year.

Pearl M

It has been such a delight watching Pearl’s academic growth shine this semester. She is so focused during all her tasks, she listens carefully and respectfully, consistently sharing her amazing knowledge in a quiet but confident manner. It is so pleasing to see her clearly explain her thoughts and the strategies she uses which displays a great depth towards her learning. Pearl has a wonderful ability to grasp new concepts very quickly, but it is with her reading and story writing tasks where she absolutely glows. Listening to you share your wonderful stories is just remarkable. Congratulations Pearl, you are a Super Star.

Charlie M

We are pleased to present our Academic Award to Charlie M of 2R, who this past term has inspired us with his excellent efforts and learning behaviours, leading to steady growth in his writing, reading, and number skills. With his positive attitude he has consistently put in the extra effort that makes the difference. Congratulations, Charlie, on this well-deserved achievement!

Joffre D

You are an exceptional student who consistently achieves remarkable results by always putting forth your best effort in all areas of the curriculum. You diligently seek feedback to refine and uplevel your work. When seeking additional challenges, you confidently use your voice and agency to ensure continuous academic growth. You are a role model and an outstanding mentor, always ready to support your classmates. Teaching you is a true pleasure, and we are immensely proud of you, our 3A Academic Award recipient. Keep believing in yourself. Well done, Joffre, on your outstanding effort and results! You are a SUPER STAR!

Finn B

Finn is a diligent student with an amazing growth mindset. He epitomizes dedication to learning and achievement. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, he approaches each task with tenacity and resilience. Finn’s excellent results are a testament to his commitment to learning and willingness to persist through challenges. He actively seeks feedback to improve his understanding of tasks, viewing mistakes as stepping stones towards success. Finn approaches tasks with creativity and uses his analytical skills to solve problems and find innovative solutions. Congratulations, Finn on being 3H’s Academic Award recipient!

Miller G

This award is presented to Miller. He consistently demonstrates dedication, perseverance, and excellence in all academic areas. As a quiet achiever, he applies himself diligently, always delivering his best work with a remarkable sense of commitment and integrity. Miller’s silent determination and unwavering effort sets a high standard for all to follow. Congratulations on your achievement so far Miller. You can do whatever you want in life with this attitude to learning.

Jensen B

For his willingness to get out of his comfort zone, consistently challenging himself and persevering when learning gets tough. Jensen demonstrates a love of learning, a positive ‘Growth Mindset’ and dives into the ‘Learning Pit’ as often as he can which is evidenced by his amazing academic results! Outstanding work, Jensen!

Eliza W

Eliza, I commend you on your outstanding effort and achievements this Semester. You always strive to do your best and give 110% to every task you complete. I am blown away by the articulate and considered viewpoints and opinions you share with our grade, your ideas push and challenge all of our thinking. Eliza, your work is consistently an exemplary example of academic success and it is always beautifully presented and organised. Congratulations on your achievements.

Maximus W

What a brilliant start to the year Maximus has had! He continuously strives to create work of the highest possible standard and always has great insights into so many different topics. He tackles problems head-on with great determination and is comfortable jumping into the learning pit to challenge himself. Throughout this semester, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to achieve excellence across all areas of his schooling. You should be extremely proud of everything you have achieved. Congratulations Max!

Heidi M

Heidi, your hard work and dedication to your learning are truly inspiring and a credit to your positive growth mindset. You are always ready to face new challenges, and delight in exploring and applying new skills. Heidi, I love your passion for learning and willingness to celebrate and support your peers. Congratulations on being such a deserving recipient of the Prep C Academic Award. Keep embracing challenges and learning opportunities—you’re destined for even greater accomplishments!

Mia E

This semester, Mia has shown amazing motivation to make improvements to her learning in all areas. She is always keen to be challenged in her skills and knowledge and will take the time to think deeply about how she will solve problems in an efficient way. Mia has been enjoying practising the new skills on her green Maths Masters belt and it has been wonderful to listen to her sharing her understanding and strategies with others. Mia, I am so proud of your persistence to be the best you can be and displaying our school value of success!

Audrey S

Audrey truly exhibits all the Emerald Primary School values of friendliness, respect and success. Her exemplary work ethic and her ability to become completely absorbed within her tasks, make her an exceptional learner. It is such a joy to see the way that Audrey will take on new challenges within her learning, continuously striving to improve her skills in every area. She actively seeks out feedback and thrives especially in writing to choose vivacious vocabulary to enhance her writing and show her voice. She has a magnificent mathematical mindset and challenges herself to try using different tools to support her learning. Audrey, you are a delight to teach and be around – thank you for being an amazing learner in our 1/2SN classroom. Well done!

Fletcher S

Fletcher continually enriches our class with his caring nature, enthusiastic and positive attitude, and his thirst for learning. A confident and resourceful student, Fletcher approaches all tasks maturely, stretching himself to the best of his ability. He accepts and applies feedback as well as opportunities to extend his learning, and is always willing to help others. Thank you, Fletcher, for your fabulous contributions to 2W and congratulations on your wonderful work and high achievements in all areas this semester!

Seth E

Seth has put in a consistent effort and shown a remarkable improvement in attitude and overall focus in both Mathematics and English. He thrives in collaborative environments, often enjoying the challenge of working with his classmates to solve tricky mathematical problems. His passion for reading is evident through his strong comprehension skills and his ability to engage deeply with the material. Seth’s dedication to his studies and his positive approach to learning have significantly contributed to his academic growth and success in both subjects.

Jack W

This student has academically excelled in all subjects areas. Their mathematical reasoning demonstrates a strong foundation in number facts as well as a fantastic appetite for inquiry. I am so impressed with the way they have engaged in the Extension Reading program, devouring chapters and eloquently discussing themes, characters and world connections. This student is a talented writer with a brilliant capacity to draw their reader in with humour, expansive vocabulary and logical reasoning. Congratulations Jack W!

Amberlie P

Amberlie has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in her studies, showing remarkable capabilities and a thorough understanding in all learning areas. She enthusiastically jumps into the learning pit and has proven she has the capability to engage deeply with challenging tasks, not giving up until her work is completed to a high standard. Her enthusiasm for learning and self-motivation to extend herself make her an excellent role model to her peers. Congratulations Amberlie on being a hard-working, always smiling super star!!

Andre G

Andre is a diligent, highly capable student who is an invaluable member of our Grade 5 learning community. Andre has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement across all aspects of the curriculum, and he consistently strives to produce his best through thinking critically about his own learning. Andre has an innate desire to succeed, and I have no doubt will continue to excel throughout the remainder of the year. Well done Andre on a truly outstanding start to Grade 5 at Emerald Primary School.

Ava S

Throughout all learning opportunities this semester, Ava’s growth mindset, outstanding work ethic and innate aptitude have shaped her success, most notably in Mathematics. She is attentive, engages thoughtfully in class discussions, and enjoys the journey towards success. Ava’s exemplary qualities typify our school values of friendliness, respect and success. Many congratulations, Ava!

Matilda C-C

I am delighted to present the 6W Academic Award to a student who is a shining example of perseverance and intellectual curiosity. Throughout this year, Matilda has consistently demonstrated outstanding achievement across all subjects. Her thirst for knowledge, coupled with her remarkable ability to grasp complex concepts, sets her apart as a true scholar among her peers. Matilda’s dedication to jumping into the learning pit, coupled with her strong work ethic and passion for discovery, inspires everyone around her. This award is a testament to Matilda’s commitment to academic excellence and her limitless potential as a learner. Well done Matilda!

Ned W (1B)

This student a very happy and positive student during all Physical Education lessons. Ned has demonstrated excellent skills when catching, throwing and dribbling a ball. He has also shown outstanding knowledge and skill when participating in various athletics activities. Well done Ned!

Matilda C-C (6W)

For her outstanding skills and performance in all activities during Physical Education lessons. Matilda has achieved amazing results in various athletics, cross country and soccer competitions. Congratulations Matilda!

Annie S (1F)

Annie works exceptionally well in the art room to produce her inspiring pieces of art. She is a talented artist, who puts 100% into everything she does. Congratulations Annie on your fantastic work ethic and for producing such wonderful, unique art to brighten our world!

Atticus D (5/6P)

Atticus is an extremely talented artist who always manages to surprise us with his truly unique ideas. In the art room, he is focussed, working diligently on art projects until their completion.
His art pieces are a treat to behold. Keep up the fantastic work Atticus! Congratulations on this award.

Cooper K (2W)

Today, we celebrate an individual whose dedication to understanding the art of character creation has been truly commendable. With a thoughtful approach to learning the techniques used by actors, they have consistently asked insightful questions and applied these learnings to develop their own unique characters.
Their commitment to refining their craft has yielded impressive results, reflecting their passion and hard work. Well done Cooper.

Hayden B (4BT)

Today, we recognize an individual whose dedication to music has been truly noteworthy. Through focused practice and a commitment to learning, they have made significant strides in both music theory and practical ukulele skills. In a relatively short time, this student has learned essential techniques such as chords and picking, demonstrating steady progress and a growing proficiency in musical expression. Their achievements reflect their determination and passion for music. Please join me in congratulating Hayden for their well-deserved recognition.

Charlotte S (1/2SN)

Charlotte oozes enthusiasm in the Japanese classroom and her effort and joy for learning is contagious to others. She always passionately joins in to all whole class language practise and often strives to do extra speaking in Japanese where possible. She checks in when working independently and completes her work with precision, always going the extra mile to add in more after seeking feedback. She works hard to understand texts we read and draw out the authors message and find links between Japanese and English. Congratulations on all your hard work, Charlotte.

Max T (6A)

Max is a wonderful example of our school values of respect and success. His exemplary work ethic and his ability to become completely absorbed within his tasks, make him an exceptional learner who always gets fully engaged with learning new content and revising language to further his understanding. It is such a joy to see the way that Max will take on new challenges within his learning, continuously striving to improve his skills by seeking feedback, using the tools he has at his disposal and striving to improve his abilities. You are a delight to teach and be around and your calming yet enthusiastic presence makes for a studious learner. Thankyou for all your hard work and determination. Congratulations, Max.

Claire M (1/2SN)

Claire is a conscientious, diligent and creative student who actively participates in STEM classes. She demonstrates an innate desire to learn. Claire is consistently receptive to new ideas and challenges, tackling all tasks with a positive growth mindset. She readily works collaboratively with others and is always willing to share her observations and hypotheses with her peers. Claire’s work presentation is always of a high standard.You are an exemplary student Claire. What a star!

Ethan B (6K)

Ethan comes to STEM each week with enthusiasm and is a wonderful model of a respectful learner. He engages with the learning every week, asking questions to further his understandings and wonderings about a topic. He works hard throughout the engineering process and his designs before prototype builds are extensive and detailed showing his scientific knowledge and research skills. Amongst your peers you are encouraging, reflective and inclusive. You are a delight to teach and should be so proud of all your hard work, stellar attitude, and exemplary learning skills. You are a STEM star Ethan!

This week …

Congratulations to our superstar cross country runners Tilly and Ollie who competed against the best runners in the state event last week.

Ollie 8th

Tilly 16th

What an amazing result. We are very proud of both of you!

Upcoming Events …

The Tall Ones are representing Emerald Primary School for a parent’s battle of the bands on Thursday the 22nd August.

It is a fund raiser for the music programs of Emerald, Selby, Kilsyth and Mt Dandenong Primary School’s

Tickets are $36.75 and it is an over 18s event at The Sookie Lounge in Belgrave.

Tickets are available from this link

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