Principal’s Report

Congratulations to our amazing Grade 6 students on their fabulous performance of “Island Rocks”! I was unfortunately unwell and not able to attend, but I heard so much positive feedback from the school community, and if all of the effort put into rehearsals and all of the extensive preparations were anything to go by – it was definitely a smash hit! Thank you to Dan MacEoin for all of his enthusiastic endeavours towards getting the students ready, to Jo McDonald for her wonderful prop preparation, and to the following members of the Grade 6 Team for their support of the students and these performances:

Lisa Ward, Ben Kolb, Craig Appleby, Jacquie Forsythe, Sarah Muratore, Jayne Sterne, Gabby Mattille, Kerryn Stephens, Kerrie Eva, Kath Barrot & Amanda Byers.

The mid-year Parent-Teacher interviews are being held tomorrow, Thursday 22nd June. This is an opportunity for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress and the next steps in their learning with the grade teacher. The interviews start at 9.30am and go through until 8.00pm, so there will be no classes on this day. You can book interviews via Compass now – bookings close at 7.00pm tonight. Please contact the Office tomorrow morning if you miss this cut-off time for booking interviews.

This year sees the continuation of Learning Tasks as a vehicle for highlighting student achievements, and areas for improvement, around specific curriculum topics. This process will continue in the foreseeable future.

What has changed for 2023?

This year, you will notice on each semester’s report that Learning Tasks are not included. What you will see are the student’s Victorian Curriculum Progression Points, effort and behaviour scores, and the Teacher’s General Comment, as per previous years.

As parents have ongoing access to their child’s/children’s Learning Tasks throughout the year, the need to add them to the semester report is no longer necessary. Reports are available now via Compass. If you have any questions, please contact myself at the school via email or on 5968 4311.

A reminder to any families with Prep students starting in 2024 that Enrolment Forms are now due by Friday 28th July. Please contact the Office on 5968 4311 or by email: to ask for a form. Please also contact us if you have any queries. It would be great if you could pass this information on to any families you know of who may wish to enrol their Prep child for next year. Families will be advised by Friday 11th August regarding confirmation of their placement at EPS.

Here are some reminders for the end of term, which is fast approaching:

  • Reports available via Compass – from 4pm on Tuesday 20th June
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews – from 9.30am to 8pm on Thursday 22nd June * (no students required at school)
  • Canteen Closed – Friday 23rd June
  • Whole School Assembly (End of Term) – Friday 23rd June at 9.15am
  • Students dismissed on last day of term, Friday 23rd June, at 2.30pm
  • Curriculum Day – Monday 10th July *(no students required at school)
  • Term 3 Starts for Students – Tuesday 11th July

The first day of next term, Monday 10th July, is a Curriculum Day. Teachers and Education Support Staff will all be onsite at school taking part in professional learning in the areas of literacy and numeracy education. No students are required at school on this day, so we will see all students back at school to start Term 3 on Tuesday 11th July.

Emma Clark

Star of the week!

for her amazing reading and always asking questions and sharing her thoughts.

for trying so hard with his writing about the CFA visit to our school.

for always putting in your BEST effort to all learning tasks.  You have a growth mindset and will ask for help when you are unsure.  You are a self-motivated learning STAR !

for writing a very detailed information report sharing many facts about herself.  Amazing!

for confidently sharing his special person show and tell with our class.

for her fantastic attitude and work ethic and for her kindness to everyone!

for being a wonderfully focused writer and using editing and revising lessons effectively to up level your work.

for his wonderfully independent efforts during writing sessions.  Frederik, you are a writing STAR!

for being a luminary of knowledge in our learning community.  I love your lateral thinking, your deep connections and your desire to know more.  What a STAR!

for always showing persistence with your work no matter what!  What a Star!

for his sensational writing and reading.  I love how you hunt for ‘ous’ Secret Stories.

for making a huge improvement in your ability to focus on your individual learning.  What a super star!

for showing excellent focus and listening skills in class this week and trying your best in all learning tasks.  What a STAR!

for his intricate and detailed collage and always being a kind classmate.

for working so well all week with his table partners and being polite and respectful in our class.

for his outstanding respect he gives to all members of the class.  You’re a fantastic role model!  Keep it up, legend!

for your fabulous efforts in Maths Masters sessions, setting goals and working amazingly hard to achieve them.

for his amazing effort and concentration when reading aloud this week.  What a Star!

for amazing effort to complete his work in all subject areas.  Riley, you are a super star!

for their amazing effort during our Grade 6 production.  You are all SUPERSTARS !

for always being switched on and being organized and ready to learn.

for always working so hard to achieve her learning goals!  You are an independent star!

for writing a very detailed report including many facts and information about himself.  Amazing!

for being a true delight to teach and lovely classmate and friend.

for his fantastic listening, amazing reading and for being a wonderful friend to all.

for being so motivated and focused on your Orca project.  Well done, you are a STAR!

for her amazing efforts when writing her realistic fiction piece—a diary from a soldier on the First Fleet.  What a STAR!

for her outstanding success when completing vertical addition and subtraction.  What a STAR!

for doing an amazing job on your quirky and creative limerick!  What a Star!

Japanese Blooket Holiday Challenge

Students from Grades 3-6 are invited to join an online quiz during the holidays where they will review their hiragana reading skills while playing a fun, interactive game. The challenge will end on Friday 7th July. We’ve played it a few times in class and it’s always a hit! I’ve had requests for students to access it at home so here it is!

Simply click the link or scan the code below.

Sonia Sensei

Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

*Please note the Canteen will be closed

on Friday 23rd June (last day of school)

Enjoy your holidays!

Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO.  We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables.  Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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