Principal’s Report

The mid-year Parent-Teacher interviews will be held next week on Thursday 22nd June. This is an opportunity for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress and the next steps in their learning with the grade teacher. The interviews start at 9.30am and go through until 8pm, so there will be no classes on this day. You can book interviews via Compass now.

This year sees the continuation of Learning Tasks as a vehicle for highlighting student achievements, and areas for improvement, around specific curriculum topics. This process will continue in the foreseeable future.

What has changed for 2023?

This year, you will notice on each semester’s report that Learning Tasks are not included. What you will see are the student’s Victorian Curriculum Progression Points, effort and behaviour scores, and the Teacher’s General Comment, as per previous years.

As parents have ongoing access to their child’s/children’s Learning Tasks throughout the year, the need to add them to the semester report is no longer necessary. If you have any questions, please contact myself at the school via email or on 59684311.

Please note the date for our School Photo Day is Monday 19th June (in the last week of term).  Each student should have received an information sheet for ordering their photos online – please contact the Office Staff or the Classroom teacher if you have not received the form.

A reminder to any families with Prep students starting in 2024 that Enrolment Forms are now due by Friday 28th July. Please contact the Office on 5968 4311 or by email : to ask for a form. Please also contact us if you have any queries. It would be great if you could pass this information on to any families you know of who may wish to enrol their Prep child for next year. Families will be advised by Friday 11th August regarding confirmation of their placement at EPS.

Here are some reminders for the end of term, which is fast approaching:

  • Grade 6 Production – 14th, 15th and 16th June
  • Whole School Assembly – Friday 16th June at 9.15am
  • School Photos – Monday 19th June
  • Reports available via Compass – from 4pm on Tuesday 20th June
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews – from 9.30am to 8pm on Thursday 22nd June *(no students required at school)
  • Whole School Assembly (End of Term) – Friday 23rd June at 9.15am
  • Students dismissed on last day of term, Friday 23rd June, at 2.30pm
  • Curriculum Day – Monday 10th July *(no students required at school)
  • Term 3 Starts for Students – Tuesday 11th July

Good luck and “break a leg” to all of our Grade 6 Students performing in their School Production – “Island Rocks”- next week!!

Emma Clark

WOWEE! What an action-packed week of cross country running for our EPS team. Our gracious students tackled the thick grass and mud of the Yarra Valley Racecourse for both the Divisional and Regional CC champs.

The weather was kind and the competition fierce! EPS had a very successful showing at the Dandenong Ranges Divisionals; with 11 athletes progressing to the next round. A shout out to Matilda Camoes-Costa (year 5) and Ollie Dean (Year 4) who won their respective races!

Regionals saw the competition level increase immensely, with athletes from state, private and independent schools competing at the Eastern Metropolitan Regionals. This was a terrific, and daunting, experience for all athletes, especially with fields of up to 100 runners!

Ollie once again showed his grit and determination to finish second in his race, securing a spot at next month’s State Championships (13th July – Yarra Glen). Well done!

It goes without saying… but I will! Our students are wonderful ambassadors for EPS. I am extremely impressed, and proud, of how our athletes went about their racing experience –all of them kept their smiles too (at some point in the race)! Well done runners!

Mr Appleby

Last week, our Grade 5 students used their Japanese skills when meeting Grade 5s from our sister school, Sengendai Elementary School in Yokohama. In our online meeting, students did a wonderful job to introduce themselves and sing a song in Japanese. They listened to our new friends tell us about their school and sing a song in English. Congratulations to all students involved. Thanks to Mrs D for making a lovely welcome speech on behalf of the school and to Yumi Sensei for translating.

We’re looking forward to more online meetings in the future.

Sonia Sensei


Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Taco Boat 


3 Red Licorice Straps

*Please note the Canteen will be closed

on Friday 23rd June (last day of school)

Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO. We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables. Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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