Principal’s Report

The mid-year Parent-Teacher interviews will be held on Thursday 22nd June. This is an opportunity for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress and the next steps in their learning with the grade teacher. The interviews start at 9.30am and go through until 8pm, so there will be no classes on this day. You can book interviews via Compass now.

Please note the date for our School Photo Day is Monday 19th June (in the last week of term).  Each student should have received an information sheet for ordering their photos online – please contact the Office Staff or the Classroom teacher if you have not received the form. Please note Sibling orders must be completed by 8am on the 19th June.

A reminder to any families with Prep students starting in 2024 that Enrolment Forms are now due by Friday 28th July. Please contact the Office on 5968 4311 or by email : to ask for a form. Please also contact us if you have any queries. It would be great if you could pass this information on to any families you know of who may wish to enrol their Prep child for next year. Families will be advised by Friday 11th August regarding confirmation of their placement at EPS.

Here are some reminders for the end of term, which is fast approaching:

  • Whole School Assembly – Friday 2nd June at 9.15am
  • Swimming Program – from Monday 5th June (last week of program for Grade Prep to Grade 2)
  • Public Holiday on 12th June
  • Grade 6 Production – 14th, 15th and 16th June
  • Whole School Assembly – Friday 16th June at 9.15am
  • School Photos – Monday 19th June
  • Reports available via Compass – from 4pm on Tuesday 20th June
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews – from 9.30am to 8pm on Thursday 22nd June *(no students required at school)
  • Whole School Assembly (End of Term) – Friday 23rd June at 9.15am
  • Students dismissed on last day of term, Friday 23rd June, at 2.30pm
  • Curriculum Day – Monday 10th July *(no students required at school)
  • Term 3 Starts for Students – Tuesday 11th July

Emma Clark

Keep up the momentum for change: the theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023 is Be a Voice for Generations.

The theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we livework and socialise.

For the work of generations past, and the benefit of generations future, act today for a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.

National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June – is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in       Australia.

On Tuesday 30th May, seven students (Aston, Mia, Sailor, Harlan, Rydar, Judd and Lewis)  represented our school at the Hills Hub for the Emerald Reconciliation Event.

The event started on Worrell Reserve Oval with a Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony, Mayor’s speech and Statement of Reconciliation by Schools. Mia Willis and Judd Clarke represented Emerald Primary School and spoke beautifully in front of all the groups.

What Reconciliation means for Emerald Primary School:


Good afternoon, everyone. We are from Emerald Primary School.

My name is Mia and I have Aboriginal Background. My Aboriginal background is on my Mum’s side. It is the Jarwin Tribe which is up in Darwin.


Hello, I am Judd and I am one of the School Captains.

We met to discuss what Reconciliation means for us:

First, we looked at a dictionary definition. Similar words that we could connect to, were: reuniting and reunion.

We discussed what emotions we feel when we reunite with someone we haven’t seen in a long time.

Members of our group said: happiness, joy and excitement.


These feelings have not been felt by lots of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the past.

After watching some videos about reconciliation week, we had a discussion.

We want to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous people together. We should all be the same, we are all humans.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have suffered a lot. To be able to achieve reconciliation we need to talk about what sad things happened in the past to be able to help heal Indigenous people.

We learn about Indigenous culture. Hopefully by us learning and talking about the histories and celebrate the achievements, we will help make a change.

We moved off the oval and into Emerald Hills Hub for Ash Dargan’s Story Telling and Didgeridoo performance. We then got to view some amazing Aboriginal Artwork and engage in a habitat creating workshop.

Hollie and I were proud to accompany the students. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon!

                                                                                        Bianca Appleby

This term in science we have been focussing our attention on our impact on the environment. As part of this initiative we are collecting 600ml, 1.25L and 2L plastic bottles, as well as wool and string to be repurposed for various projects in our science classroom. By collecting and using plastic bottles we can help reduce our environmental impact and hopefully create some pretty amazing projects in the process.

Empty plastic bottles and wool or string can be brought in and added to our tub at the front office or dropped off at our science/food lab over the coming weeks.

Stay tuned for updates on our creations!!

Bree Kirkby

Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Chicken breast nuggets & sauce


Slinky apple & frozen fruit tube


*Please note the Canteen will be closed

on Friday 23rd June (last day of school)

Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!

It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023

More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.

So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO. We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables. Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.


Calendar of Events

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Japanese Day

Japanese Day

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