Principal’s Report

REMINDER: NEXT WORKING BEE – Saturday 15th June from 1pm to 3pm: Tasks will be more mulching, clearing out the Frog Bog and chain-sawing up/removing some branches, followed by a Sausage Sizzle! Pop it into your calendars!

The next Parent-Teacher Interview Day will be held on Thursday 27th June. It is a great opportunity to discuss your student’s report and progress. Please note the different hours for this event for 2024 – 11.30am to 6.30pm. Bookings will open in the next couple of weeks via Compass. This is a Student free day.

The parking situation around our school is a constant source of concern and challenge for us all. At the moment, in the Gemco parking area, a “Drop and Go” lane for cars seems to have organically developed – whereby cars are filing through, dropping children safely to the side of the car park and they can walk through the Gemco verandah to the gates. This is the safest option, so we thank those families managing to do this type of drop-off. We are hoping to set-up a similar arrangement at the front of the school, between the Staff Car Park entrance and Railway Road. In terms of collection at the end of the day, a number of families make a meeting point some distance away from the school eg. Puffing Billy Park, Pepi’s Land car park, the School Oval. If you have not thought of this option before, maybe it is a suggestion to take up which will make accessing parking and then exiting in a timely manner, much easier. We are always open to suggestions, so please get in touch if you have any ideas on this topic!

I cannot begin to think about what Emerald Primary School is going to do without you! That’s right all – Mrs. (Polly) Smith has decided to bring her epic career at EPS to an end! Our beloved Polly from the Front Office is leaving us at the end of this term and I know I speak on behalf of all of us when I say how sad we are to hear this news of Polly retiring. Polly has been a great source of comfort for many of you over the years, with willing ears to listen and a soft heart to support. Aside from that, she is the best Business Manager a Principal could hope for! Stay tuned to see how we will farewell Polly in the weeks to come, but for now, feel free to pop in and say hello or send a message to say thank you.

  • Monday 3rd June – Grade 4 to Grade 6 Swimming Program continues
  • Monday 10th June – King’s Birthday public holiday
  • Wednesday 12th June – “Thank a First Responder Day” – Free Dress and Gold Coin Donation
  • Wednesday 12th June – Grade 6 Lightning Premierships
  • Friday 14th June @ 9.15am – Whole school assembly
  • Saturday 15th June – Working Bee from 1pm to 3pm
  • Monday 17th June – School Photos
  • Thursday 20th June @ 7.15pm – School Council meeting
  • Tuesday 25th June @ 4.00pm – Semester 1 Reports available on Compass
  • Thursday 27th June – Parent-Teacher Interview Day (11.30am to 6.30pm); no students required at school
  • Friday 28th June @ 9.15am – Whole school assembly
  • Friday 28th June @ 2.30pm – Finish Term 2
  • Monday 15th July – Curriculum Day; no students required at school
  • Tuesday 16th July – Students start Term 3

Emma Clark


Star of the week!

For enthusiasm and positive approach to all challenges. You are a ‘can do’ STAR.

For her consistent effort with all of her work. Lucy is a terrific learner, always pushing herself to be better!

For great focus and great effort with his writing, producing some wonderful ideas!

For her incredible effort in her ‘if I were a bowerbird’ writing.

For tuning in during every activity this week, and contributing to his learning!

For your eagerness towards your Antarctic Animal Project. You have gone the extra mile and completed your own research at home. I have LOVED reading your draft. In particular, the interesting fact about an Orca’s brain. You are a STAR!!

For the terrific information she has written for her Antarctic Animal project!

For outstanding results in all subject areas! What a deep thinker and bright spark you are Hazel! You are a STAR!

For your outstanding focus in reading sessions. It’s great to read and hear your deep insights on your class text.

*Student Award*

For being a dedicated self driven learner who inspires us to do our best. You are a learning star!

For working so hard on your Maths Masters skills. You are a 2’s, 5’s and 10’s counting master.

For her amazing sense of humour and growing confidence. It’s awesome to see how far you have come in grade 6!!

For always completing his work to the highest standard and challenging himself.

For her wonderful drawings and inclusive heart.  You are an artistic STAR.

For displaying excellent Strategies when adding 2 numbers together. You are a mathematical Star!

For his great effort with reading and working hard to decode fluently.

For his effort in applying feedback in UFLI and being an encouraging and helpful classmate [We will miss you Arch!]

For so generously and kindly assisting anyone needing help (including Ms. W!) with the laptops, as well as anything else needed in 2W! We really appreciate your thoughtfulness!

For your focus while researching the King Penguin. You have used your class time excellently! The detail in the description of the King Penguin is awesome. I LOVE the extra detail of it’s scientific name, Aptenodytes Patagunica. You are a STAR!

For writing detailed and informative facts about the Emperor penguin.

For being such a kind and thoughtful person. You are one of a kind Logan and we are lucky to have you in 4O!!

For epitomizing our school values of friendliness, respect & success through his considerate behaviour & challenging himself to achieve outstanding results.

For being a superstar in the classroom – a person who takes risks with their learning which is evident in all of your classwork. You are a star!

For his unwavering perseverance and positive attitude in all learning opportunities. As well as with your laptop!!

For your diligence, work ethic and ability to persevere through the learning pit. Keep it up!

For always trying hard and being successful with her learning.

For showing such enthusiasm towards your writing. Not to mention the beautiful illustrations that go with it! You are a creative Star!

For her sparkly and well designed bowerbird collage.

For being a supportive and caring table partner this week!

For being sensible and mature with his learning and attitude and for being a polite, helpful class member.

For doing a fabulous job writing information for his Antarctic Animal project!!

For working hard to develop your understanding of efficient multiplication strategies.

For your constant, high quality outcomes in all the learning tasks set in year 4!

For demonstrating outstanding engagement in class discussions with thoughtful contributions and positive attitude to his learning.

For sharing her efficient strategy of solving problems involving exponents (powers) with the class! What a Maths STAR!

For the tremendous way she conducts herself as a leader and a friend. You’re an absolute gem!

For being so proactive in her learning, being willing to ask for help and persevering when in the learning pit.

This week …

Please read on for more information from the students who attended the event.

Eliza W: It was a beautiful day for the ceremony and the walk to the Hub, which commenced on Tuesday.

Upon arrival at the Library Park, we could spot some of the other schools who would be giving a presentation, including Selby and Kallista. There was also a kinder, from Gembrook, who were very cute to listen to!

It was soon time for the ceremony, so we headed over to Worrell Reserve for a few statements. After a beautiful introduction and Welcome to Country, there were speeches from mayors, and the artist whose art is currently on display at the Hills Hub, Emmy Webber, which Mia will be telling you about soon.

Then of course, we performed our statement about this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme, ‘Now More Than Ever,’ which you may have heard at assembly.

Unfortunately, we were not able to have the smoking ceremony, but it was an empowering experience, nonetheless.

After the other schools made their statements, we headed into the Hub for some fun activities.

This is the statement we presented in front of 100+ people:

Good afternoon, everyone I am Aston a Koorie student at Emerald Primary School.

 Hello, I am Harlan and I have Aboriginal Heritage. This is what ‘Now More Than Ever’ means to us.

 I am Ethan, one of the school captains. Reconciliation to us, is where we continue to work on being kind, respectful, caring, and friendly. As well as earning the forgiveness for our past actions.

 Hi, I am Mia C also a school captain. ‘Now more than ever’, means that we really need to push for the goal of reconciliation. Otherwise later we may not be able to do it. We have already left it for too long and we may as well start now before it gets too late.

Hi, I am Max a Koorie student and a school captain. It is very important to respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people because they were on this land first and we stole it from them without asking for permission.

 Hi, I am Mia W a Koorie student. We need to improve how we look after everyone. Both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people to make it a fair community for everyone. 

My name is Eliza, and I am the fourth school captain at Emerald Primary School. Now, with the new generation, we can take a chance to treat everyone better and on another level because people will have learned it from a young age.

All: Thank you for listening.

Mia C: We then headed into the Hills Hub and took place in a lot of fun activities such as drawing on gumnuts, wool weaving with sticks, colouring pages designed by Emmy Webber and writing kind and positive messages on paper leaves to make a kindness tree. We then also had afternoon tea which was fruit and other yummy cakes and cookies.

Now, this was only the start of it, we then went upstairs and saw Emmy Webber’s beautiful, detailed Aboriginal art pieces. I feel like she really embraced what “Now more than ever” means to her. There was also a mini sandpit that you could put your feet into and relax. We then said thank you to everyone and walked back to school and that was our amazing, fun learning experience!

After the event, Mia W & Aston wrote about Reconciliation Week and shared this at Assembly:

Welcome everyone,

As Australian students, we think Reconciliation Week is about forgiving the past and fixing the future. We will have a better future, if we fix it now!

We need to remember that everyone has a role to play in working together, so that we can have a balanced harmony between all cultures.

By talking to each other and standing up for each other, we can make sure that we all have a voice towards a caring, loving and kind world.

Here is a poem our family wrote:

Reconciliation is a time for thinking,

A time to reflect, a time for more.

It gives us hope, it gives us strength, it gives us connection, it opens up doors.

Reconciling is a power,

Respect is earnt.

Reconciling is kindness,

Respect is learnt.

Do it for our land, water, and skies,

Building and shaping and nurturing lives.

Fixing the future and knowing the past. Talking and listening makes a bond that will last.

Thank you all for listening.

Yesterday, we had 40 talented cross-country athletes compete in the Divisional Cross Country at Yarra Glen. All students pushed themselves and as a result we had some awesome achievements.

Congratulations to the following students who have now qualified for the Regional Championships, next Thursday at Yarra Glen.

12/13 Boys: Jack D 7th

12/13 Girls: Matilda C 1st     Lulu P 11th

11 Boys: Ollie D 1st   Khan M 2nd  Dart G 4th

11 Girls: Chloe S 6th

9/10 Boys: Liam H 1st

9/10 Girls: Estella S 6th  Amelia P  7th   Aislin R 10th

We wish the students all the best for next week! Thanks to Mr Appleby and Mrs Hayward for assisting on the day.

Mr Stella

5 refurbished guitars have been donated to the music room.

The first step in music education is sourcing musical instruments.

The goal was to assist students and their families in making that first step in accessing instrumental music education.

If your family is interested in taking one of these guitars, please contact Mr MacEoin.

They are free to a good home that would use them.

Congratulations to Andy & Alice who won the 3rd Prize at the HUF raffle.

Upcoming Events …

Secondhand Uniform sale
Friday 14th June
3.15pm – 3.45pm

Thank you for all your kind donations

but the 2nd hand uniform shop is full.

Please no more donations. 

Community News

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Canteen News!

Friday Meal Deal

Crispy chicken




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