Principal’s Report
Emma Clark
Absolutely your last chance to purchase 2023 HUF Raffle tickets!
The amazing HUF 2023 Raffle will be drawn shortly.
This year we have $2500 worth of prizes.
Raffle tickets are available from
All proceeds go to the pay for the festival and any extra goes to the school music program.
I hope that you can be involved.
Emerald Primary School has recently been matched up with a sister school in Japan. Sengendai Elementary School which is located in Yokohama, a city which neighbours Tokyo. Our schools are beginning to develop a connection and we will have our first online meeting of students next month. All Grade 5 students at EPS are working on their Japanese self introduction speeches and we’re polishing up a Japanese song to perform. Our Grade 5 counterparts in Japan will do the same in English. Other grades will have similar opportunities in the near future. We’re looking forward to building students’ cultural awareness, language skills and friendships.
Sonia Morison (aka Sonia Sensei)
Community News
Canteen News!
Breaking up is hard to do!!!!!!!!
It’s time for the canteen to break up with single use straws, these will not be available in 2023
More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s ocean every year and over 90% is single use plastic.
So let’s say bye bye to straws and hello to BYO. We highly recommend reusable options over all disposables. Students can purchase a reusable silicone straw in its own case with the school Emblem for $4 from the canteen (over the counter or via online) or uniform shop.