Working Bee

Our next Working Bee will be held on this Friday 5th May after school, weather permitting! We will be weeding the front garden and partaking in a delicious sausage  sizzle afterwards! Hope to see you then – starts after school at 3.45pm and we will be working on the front garden.

Junior School Parent Info Session – Literacy

All parents of students in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 are invited to an information evening in the Library on Wednesday 17th May at 6pm to hear more information about the approach to Literacy teaching at EPS for the junior school students, so that we can continue to build the connections between home and school to support learning.

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For a variety of reasons, we are rescheduling our first Working Bee for the year to Saturday 5th April (so it is not on tomorrow) - apologies for any inconvenience caused.

We are planning on having a BBQ on the day and an Easter Egg Hunt! It willl be held from 10am to 1pm, and we will be doing mulching, weeding and maybe even some construction!