35 events found.
Our next Working Bee will be held on this Friday 5th May after school, weather permitting! We will be weeding the front garden and partaking in a delicious sausage sizzle afterwards! Hope to see you then – starts after school at 3.45pm and we will be working on the front garden.
Next week we will be holding our school Open Night from 6pm to 7.30pm. Please pass on to any families who may have Preps wanting to enrol for 2024, or students in other grade levels. There will be an opportunity to have a school tour and chat with the Principal Team and staff.
Afternoon Teas served at 2.15pm. Visitors are welcome to visit their child's classroom from 2.30pm-3.00pm.
“Heel and toe, heel and toe……” We cannot wait for this event! It is shaping up to be a great night to get together and have fun! Tickets are just $10, 3 year-olds and under are free. Purchase your tickets via the Try Booking link on the Facebook page or on the flyer. (Soft-soled shoes only please!)
All parents of students in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 are invited to an information evening in the Library on Wednesday 17th May at 6pm to hear more information about the approach to Literacy teaching at EPS for the junior school students, so that we can continue to build the connections between home and school to support learning.
A reminder that there will be a Curriculum Day on Friday 26th May, so no students are required at school on that day. Staff will be at school undertaking assessments and planning.
Emerald Primary School
4-10 Heroes Avenue
Emerald VIC 3782
We acknowledge that we meet on the traditional country of the Wurundjeri and Bunarong People, the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land as a part of the Kulin Nation, and pay respect to elders past and present. This continent is home to hundreds of different nations whose knowledge has helped to shape and evolve our understanding of land and seas. |
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land, which continue to be important to the Wurundjeri and Bunurong people living today. We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the contribution of all first nation peoples to the land we love, learn and play on.
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