Carols By Candlelight
Emerald Lake Rotunda Emerald Lake Rd, Emerald, VIC, AustraliaFor the first time since 2019, Carols By Candlelight will be a live event this year. The venue is at the Rotunda near the Lake at Emerald Lake. Emerald Primary School has been asked to perform in some way during the event. Our Ukulele Orchestra, ukulele students and a carols choir will be representing our school. There will be a whole school carol and the Year 2’s will be playing the ukulele for everyone. The overall event will have a lot of local bands and singing groups. Our 20 minute contribution will start at 6pm. Performers will be required on site [...]
Mother’s Day celebration
Afternoon Teas served at 2.15pm. Visitors are welcome to visit their child's classroom from 2.30pm-3.00pm.